Escalation Process
Fun Facts
Red Offenses
Yellow Offesnes

How many QA reviews do you receive per track?

You will only ever receive one QA review per track.


How many points are on the call flow?

10 P


What is the most owned pet?

Freshwater fish


The customer disconnected while I was recapping the order but I never got permission to place it. It's probably okay if I go ahead and submit the order, they were most likely signing up anyways... Will I receive a Red Offense write-up for this?

Yes, I will receive a write-up for Red Offense 2 (Fraud)


The customer has 3 TVs that would need a receiver,  but I placed the order for only 2 TVs... What yellow offense write-up would I get for this?

Yellow Offense 2 (Issuing Order  Incorrectly)


What is the escalation process for Red Offenses?

QA Review, Final, Term


Who grades your calls?

Byron  Jeffs (SCA)


What’s the most common letter that appears in the English language?

The letter E


It's okay to read the credit check statement any way I want, as long as the customer knows it's a credit check.

Absolutely not, the credit check statement must be read verbatim every time.


The customer is not sure about getting the triple play, so I said: "That's fine, I can go ahead and schedule the triple play and you can make any changes you need to before installation, just call our customer service  team." Would this be a write-up for Yellow Offense 4 (Recommending Cancellation)?

No, it's perfectly fine to say that the customer can make changes.


What is the escalation process for Yellow Offenses?

QA Review, Written, Final, Term


How does the QAC test your knowledge when you receive a QA review?

With a short quiz over chat and an E-learn assignment


What percentage of the earth is water?



I just informed the customer that the credit check was only required to confirm the business and make sure that there were no past due payments. I just committed THIS offense.

Red Offense 3 (Disparaging the Credit Check)


I forgot to read an important disclosure to a customer before disconnecting. What should I do to avoid receiving a write-up for Yellow Offense 3 (Incomplete/Missing Recap or Disclosure)?

Call the customer back immediately and read the appropriate disclosure.

Remember to always read the outbound statement when calling out.


How will write-ups escalate within your first 4 weeks of employment?

They won't, I will only receive "Acknowledgments" during my first 4 weeks.


When are appeals due?

Mondays before 11am


More people visit this country than any other country in the world.



I explained to the customer that in order to get internet service with Frontier, it would require them to also get our Frontier Secure Technical Support. What write up would this fall under?

Red Offense 1 (Slamming) - Making the purchase of one product contingent upon another or forcing a customer to get a product by way of misinformation.


What does it mean to Prompt/Promise a price renegotiation?

Setting up an order that's contingent on getting the bill renegotiated or using verbiage throughout the sales call prompting the customer to call back in to renegotiate the price. Promising the customer that their bill won't increase as long as they call back in or pay their bill on time, etc.


How many days is a Red Offense Final write-up active for?

180 Days


Where can you find the most updated information on call flow and/or QA offenses?



What is the most densely populated city in the world?

Tokyo at 37 million people


What are the three reasons I would be written up for Red Offense 6 (Failure to Follow the Callback Permission Process)?

Failing to read the callback permission statement verbatim, changing the scope of the statement, or selecting the incorrect radio button gin the OE tool.


The customer's credit check requires them to pay an advanced payment of $100. I informed the customer that I would need a card on file for auto-pay based on their qualification. Will I receive a Yellow Offense for "Incorrect/Missing NRCs"?

No, I will receive a Red Offense for "Running Card without Consent."