Improper body mechanics
Proper body mechanics
Pain control methods

"Every morning I shower, get dressed, and eat a protein bar before work. But I find this is too much." What would you suggest for pacing?

- Showering at night, or using shower seat

- Leaving more time for rest breaks

- Choosing out clothes the night before and leaving in the bathroom to put on after shower.

- Others?


What's wrong with this picture

- Holding shower head far away from body, twisting neck to side

"I know you've taught me the figure 4 position to put on my socks and shoes, but I find I still hunch my back. Are there other options for doing this where my back is more supported?"

Yes, lying down (page 55)


Janet plays video games for ~2 hours a day. Which position do you recommend to her?

The 3rd position. (Page 47 & 94)

"I stay at my girlfriends half the week but she doesn't have heat packs." What would you suggest?

Bottom of page 20:

- Bring a hot water bottle in your bag, reheat water in microwave as necessary (wrap in towel)

- Keep an extra hot/cold pack there!


"I figured I didn't need a break because I was only planning on playing horseshoes for 20 minutes. But by 20 minutes I had done too much." What do you recommend they do to pace themselves?

Page 33

- Take breaks BEFORE you need them

- Set a timer to take breaks


What's wrong with this picture?

- Bending head forward

- Bending back forward

- Arm is out to side, uneven shoulder alignment

"I used to really like to go out dancing on Saturday nights. But my knee pain makes it too difficult." Do you have any tips on moving to music with more gentle movements?

Try the rocking motions learned in tai chi, so that your core and hips maintain alignment and your knees are not locked!


"The mirror I use to put my make up on is above my eye level." What are 3 risk factors for discomfort on page 50 that may come up?

Back - leaning forward

Shoulders - raised shoulders, one arm raised to higher surface, unsupported arms

Wrist/hands - shoulder tension

Neck - craning head forward, shoulder tension, head back

Arms/elbows - unsupported arms, elbows rotated out


"I can't figure out how I'm supposed to ice or heat for 20 minutes for 2 hours on/off every day... how do others make the time?" - What leisure/self-care activities could you pair this with?

Page 20 - guidelines for PCMs

- getting lunch with friends

- while doing make-up 

- while watching TV

- while reading


"Whenever my wife and kids go to weddings, I always help my wife zip up her dress. But now it hurts my hands too much." What could you recommend?

Delegate to kids!


What's wrong with this picture?

Spinal alignment - spine is twisted and bent, reaching far away from core, bending head down to see shoe laces

Shoulders - arm extension is uneven 


"The pain started after I reached to pick the deoderant I dropped off the floor." What method(s) for picking items up from low surfaces would you recommend?

(Page 51-52)

Golfer's pick up 

Bending at hips and knees not back with feet at shoulder width apart.


"I do yoga every morning but I find it hard to lie still on my back at the end of the class." What would you recommend.

Place a pillow under the knees and maybe a flat one under head. Can also roll yoga mat/blanket/towel if not enough pillows. (Page 48)


"I probably could have used better body mechanics because right after I finished shaving my back started spasming, and my knees feel really stiff. What do you recommend?"

Heat (Page 21) is great for reducing muscle spasms/joint stiffness, increasing blood flow, reducing muscle knots, increasing circulation, resolving inflammation/infections with more blood to area, reduces sensitivity 

"I hate spending money to get my hair done at the salon. But dying it myself has become too much arm work." What can you recommend from your pacing chapter?

(Page 33)

- Prioritize! (Not everything needs to be done today!)

- Delegate to someone else


What's wrong with this picture?

Shoulders raised at ears

Spinal alignment - Thoracic/lumbar spine looks arched

Body weight is extremely forward - strain on leg joints


"I am painting my new baby's room and I'm trying to wallpaper the bottom of the wall." What position do you recommend for prolonged work at ground level?

Kneeling or half-kneeling with padding under knees, maybe a low squat at points


"I work from home at a desk all day. What page in the binder can I find the recommendations for ergonomic desk set up?"

Page 59


A quick (3-6 minute) method for reducing pain, inflammation, desensitizing, releases natural pain killers from brain (endorphins, enkephalins) before/after activities.

Ice massage (page 22-23)


"You're at a shopping mall. What pacing techniques can you use to prevent overdoing it."

- taking rest breaks before you need them at benches (maybe between stores), scope out resting spots beforehand 

- do not sit too long or will get stiff

- prioritize whatever you need to get today

- Ask for assistance in reaching certain items 

- Look at the layout of the mall and decide the most efficient route

- Others?


What's wrong with this picture?

Guy in blue, reaching down to grab litter from ground with bent back. Needs to reach arms out to pick up litter.

"I like to take baths for my pain, but I find getting out to aggravate things." How can I use better body mechanics to get out?

- Use hands to press up from tub floor

- come to half kneeling position (keep foam cushion for bath nearby)

- Using the side of the tub, press up to stand while engaging your core 


I have my pants hanging on the lower rack of my closet, so I need to bend over to get those. What position would you recommend for this? 

Have a chair close by and stay seated while flipping through pant options.

"I'm going kayaking with my friends this weekend, but I'm worried about my neck flaring up. Should I bring anything with me to proactively control my pain?"

examples - Page 22-23 - ice PCMs; page 25 & 98 - self-massage; page 104 - anti-inflammatory foods; page 34 - suggestions for coping with pain

- Use ice in cooler and use on web space of thumb

- Bring plastic bag and towel and create ice pack using ice from cooler. 

- Ice pop massage

- 2 tennis balls and a sock - self massage

- Back support

- etc.