Fruit Salad
Fruit with seeds
Juicy Fruits
colours of Fruits
Unusual Fruits

when a fruit is ready to be eaten it is said to be what

What is ripe


a person with this type of fruit personality is considered romantic.

What is strawberry


Juice from this fruit is a staple at breakfast

What is apple, orange, grapefruit,


Name 2 yellow fruits

What is lemon, banana, pineapple


This fruit is fuzzy and green and comes from far away

What is Kiwi fruit


You are a true social butterfly in the summer. Everyone wants to take a selfie with you. Your optimistic approach towards life and vivacious nature results in you being present at all important occasions of your near and dear ones. You have your own peculiar sense of judging people and treat everyone with respect. You value friendship above everything else. Your friends demand your presence more during the summer time. 

What is Watermelon 


name a fruit whose name is its colour

What is orange


this fruit is very juicy when ripe but don't bite its pip!

What is peach


You come in a bundle of small pieces and you, therefore, are bundled with politeness, good-natured, abundant aesthetic sense and you enjoy beauty in all its manifestations. Like this fruit which is a social staple at gatherings, your sociable and gregarious nature exudes warmth and it endears others to you. Like this fruit people like to pop into their mouths you are fully indulgent in the finer aspects of life, you enjoy everything in your life and work.

What is grapes


this fruit is easy to peel than an orange but is similar in colour but slightly smaller

What is Tangerine


when fruits have reached their full size they said to be

What is mature


You are quick to decide and even quicker to act. You are brave in making career changes if that is what is to your advantage. You have exceptional organizing abilities and are undaunted by the size of the task at hand. You tend to be self-reliant, sincere, honest in your dealings with others and sweet like this fruit. Though you are not given to making friends very quickly and Barry is surprisingly allergic to your fruit type.  You rarely, if ever, make romantic overtures, not sure if it is because your heart is not diamond shaped like this fruit. Your partner is often impressed with your sterling qualities but disappointed in your ability to show affection just as a portion of this fruit's exterior green 



If you are like this fruit you are a softie! You are loving, gentle, warm, and sympathetic. You are of sweet disposition. You are a bright beautiful color like this fruit. Others may take undue advantage of your good nature and like this fruit, you may become vulnerable if squeezed too much. You will adore your partner in every way for his/her mental and physical comeliness;  you must be so because this fruit keeps the heart beating regularly and can reduce the effect of sodium on blood pressure.

What is banana 


name two red fruits

What is apples, strawberry and watermelon


This fruit is also called a muskmelon. It is gray /green with ribbed skin which looks like veins. It has a yellow flesh

What is cantaloupe or rockmelon


this is the worst type of apple to use for cooking

What is red delicious


this fruit is one of the biggest, "watery" fruit, it has a beautiful, smooth skin and is great at a certain time of year.

What is watermelon


this fruit is really sour like life, sometimes. But add a little sugar to your life and this fruit and it makes a delicious drink

What is lemon


name a fruit that can be purple or green

What is grapes


You are uniquely zestful and zealous in your approach to life and its challenges. Like this fruit you are a bundle of personality, black and sweet like the juice of berries, though you are not a berry! You are fully indulgent in the finer aspects of life, you enjoy everything in your life and work. You enjoy your style of dress and your way of life. It would be ideal if your partner also shares your zeal and enthusiasm for life. Your cousin fruits are not as sophisticated as you.  The larger your bundle the more expensive you are. Resveratrol may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, boost the immune system and reduce the effects of inflammation

What is black grapes


You are quick to decide and even quicker to act. You have exceptional organizing abilities and are undaunted by the size of the task at hand. You tend to be self-reliant, sincere, and honest in your dealings with others. Though you are not given to making friends very quickly, once you do, it is for life. Your partner is often impressed with your sterling qualities but disappointed in your ability to show affection.



this fruit is the Caribbean delight. It is picked when mature and ripened off the tree. The ripe fruit softens, and you simply break it open with the fingers to reveal a light brown to rust-colored flesh with shiny black seeds. Some people eat the skin but I find it a bit rough. 

What is a naseberry like


You are a very sincere and loyal partner, and in most cases like this fruit, cases you will hang on until you are plucked away from your friendships.  Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being surrounded by close family and your beloved partner. Like this fruit, you are small but ever so sweet, some even like you more than even grapes. I guess it is because you don't come in bundles like grapes. You enjoy your individuality instead of been part of a bunch.

What is cherry


name a fruit that can be red or green

What is apple


This fruit has a soft juicy yellow middle full of seeds, It has a dark purple casing, It is delicious with Ice cream Its name is the same as an emotion

What is passionfruit