This popular "superfood" is a fruit known as a drupe, or stone fruit, because of the single hard pit in the middle containing the seed. Be careful, Chipotle will charge you extra for this fruit!
What is an avocado?
This aggregate fruit is mistakenly labeled a berry so much that it is actually in its name!
What is a strawberry?
This is a true berry meaning it is a fleshy fruit without a stone produced from a single flower containing one ovary. It can be found in bagels, cheesecake, pie, jellies, jams, muffins and more!
What is a blueberry?
Although it may not look it, this fruit is actually multiple fruit of berries (meaning it is multiple flowers that have developed mature ovaries into a single fleshy fruit) that coalesce into a large, juicy, and sweet fruit.
What is a pineapple?
This vegetable is actually an underground, shortened stem surrounded by fleshy leaves. It is a storage organ for the plant. Stanley Yelnats in the movie "Holes" took advantage of this vegetable as he tried to survive on his own after he ran away from the campsite.
What is an onion?
We eat the leaves of this popular vegetable. Popeye was so fond of it that he claims it gave him strength.
What is spinach?
This fruit is a pome, an accessory fruit composed of one or more carpels surrounded by accessory tissue, which is commonly given to teachers by brown nosing students. An old riddle claims one a day keeps the doctor away.
What is an apple?
This acidic true berry is considered a "superfruit" that is sold in products such as juice, jam, and dried (like raisins). It is often made into a sauce to accompany Thanksgiving meals
What are cranberries?
This is a true berry- a simple fleshy fruit formed from the ovary of one flower with seeds embedded in the flesh. It has a fibrous brown skin that is usually removed before eaten and contains tiny, black seeds inside its fleshy fruit.
What is a kiwi?
This vegetable is a swollen, fleshy underground stem modified for water and carbohydrate storage. If you leave it on your counter for too long it will develop "eyes" which can sprout the plant to produce new leaves and ultimately a new plant
What is a potato?
This popular fruit is classified as a legume because its seed grows in a pod. Gregor Mendel owes his fame to this fruit.
What is a pea?
This is a drupe, or stone fruit- an indehiscent fruit in which the outer fleshy part surrounds a hardened pit with a seed inside. It is found atop every Dari-licious cone (although admittedly the one found atop these cones aren't super natural...)
What is a cherry?
This "berry" is not actually a berry at all. It is an aggregate fruit- a fruit that develops from the merger of several ovaries that were separate in a single flower. It is often used to flavor teas, made in pies, or made into jams. Although berry is in the name it is not accompanied with a color.
What is a raspberry?
This fruit is a a drupe- an indehiscent fruit in which an outer fleshy part surrounds a hardened pit. This fruit is different from other fruits because it contains a large quantity of "water" in the middle as well as edible endosperm and can therefore provide much needed energy and liquid to someone stranded on an island.
What is a coconut?
This huge berry is a delicious treat often eaten in the summertime. Farmers have figured out a ways to cross diploid lines with tetraploid lines in order to produce a seedless sterile triploid plant that is much easier to eat.
What is a watermelon?
This is actually an immature flower head and therefore a vegetable. It gets a bad rap for being distasteful; however, many people find it enjoyable to eat with cheese.
What is broccoli?
This taproot vegetable is commonly provided by school cafeterias and commonly rejected by students. It is also often used as a natural food coloring agent.
What is a beet?
This is closely related to raspberries, but is an aggregate of drupes meaning the fruit is actually composed of more than one mature ovary where the individual fruits contain a hard pit in the middle. There is a popular brand of electronics that shares this fruit's name.
What is a blackberry?
This fruit is a berry that could be on the verge of extinction because it is propagated by asexual means and therefore all plants are genetically similar meaning all are susceptible to the same diseases. One bad disease could take out this delicious fruit forever.
What is a banana?
This plant contains seeds in its fruit (a stone fruit) which is roasted, processed, and drank around the world because of the drug it contains that often gives people a "buzz," or provides them with a morning pick-me-up.
What is the coffee plant?
This a spicy fruit pod commonly found on nachos.
What is a jalapeno?
This bitter tasting root vegetable appears on many salads (and often next to salads as they're picked off by "picky" eaters).
What is a radish?
This true berry does not have the word "berry" in its name, nor is it traditionally even thought of as a fruit! However, it is a typical berry (although maybe larger), can be found growing in many gardens in Indiana, and has a wide variety of culinary uses.
What is a tomato?
A multiple fruit that is one of the most interesting ecologically complex fruits known. The flowers are actually contained within a structure called a syconium and therefore are never seen visibly on the outside. The fruit development involves a mutual relationship with a tiny wasp.
What is a fig?
This indehiscent, dry fruit has 1 seed surrounded by a bony wall. People do not typically eat these fruits of the oak tree, but squirrels find them quite enjoyable.
What is an acorn?