On Site
Phase II

Group Rules 

Arrive 5 min before group begins and remain for the entire group. Bring something to share and only you decide what that something is. No eating or drinking during group. If i feel sleepy I will stand up. No cross talking. Only pregnant client or clients with a medical condition may use the bathroom. Do not engage in distracting behavior (Apply make up). No barriers on lap. Infants are to be left to the primary caregiver. Respect the facilitator at all times. 



Must be completed and checked by orientation. You may completed the night prior. Only YOU are responsible for completing with the exception of passes. If you are unfamiliar with what a chore consists of please seek help. 


Personal Belongings 

Only 2 weeks worth of belongings should be brought into treatment. Less than 5 items on top of dressers. If discharged, you have 2 weeks to obtain belongings. 


Effects of dishonest behaviors 

A week restriction 




Time slots & length of call on the payphone.  

Not before orientation, not after 10pm & not during groups. 11pm on Friday and Saturday. 



Individual or group. Must meet individual counselor once a week and attend at least 2 groups a day. Missing a session will result in a restriction. 



MUST get the charge person's approval the morning of. It is your responsibility to seek them at 8AM. All day event. No smoking until 9:50PM. Your meals will be brought to the 1st floor living room. 


Store runs.. 

Monday and Friday. Walgreens and Sunny's ONLY. No backpacks/ purses brought with you. You MUST have a printed receipt. 

Accountability is.. 

Responsibility of your behaviors.

Your actions affect those around you. 

Utilize the cabinet. 

You see something, you say something. 


As a phase II, I can skip on..

My sponsor is picking me up for a meeting, she needs to...

Any day but Thursday and Friday. 

Sponsor needs to enter the building for pick up/ drop of. 



First Tuesday of every month. Birthday, Fundraising/Outreach, Activities, Welcoming, Moving On. Everyone must participate. 


Weekend Visits 

Visits must be checked in prior to visit start. All belongings brought to the office to be checked and approved. No meeting visits on sidewalk, ramp or at their vehicle. No smoking with exception of 2PM, if they chose to leave property they may. Leave room for Jesus. Cannot be on visitor's electronics. Be respectful, watch your language. 

Outside meetings Etiquette 

First 3 rows as a group. All group rules apply. No meeting family/friends/SO. No smoking unless there is a scheduled break. As phase I you have 15 min before and after, phase II 45 min before and after for networking purposes. 


Dress Code

No shoes without backs. 

No tank tops/ crop tops.

No short shorts/ skirts, dresses.

No pajamas. 

No bandanas/ hats. 

No inappropriate advertisement. 


What are reasons for a pass being denied..

Incorrect date, no chore replacement, restriction of 2 or more offenses after pass is submitted, Lack of description, No meeting plans 


Assignments/ Focals

The team decides on assignments to focus on a particular behavior. Failure to complete will result in a restriction. 


Office Hours 

9-10 or 2-3 

If someone is on the phone in foyer please exit. Do not knock on the glass window, enter the office without permission or begin speaking to staff while they are on the phone or in mid conversation. Do NOT turn off the sound machine. 

Shift change same time EVERYDAY. 



Just don't do it. 

One week restriction.

Any place not authorized by staff. 


A cabinet consists of.. 

Secretary, VP and president. Who are responsible for being a neutral perspective without bias, positive role models and support to peers. 

Their responsibilities are to facilitate orientation, in-house, mediations and advocating ideas to staff. 


Job search/ volunteer 

9-11 or 1-3 whichever time period lands during the peer led group. Logs must be completed and submitted on Fridays. 


Peer Evals 

Must be completed even if you are not. Must use specific examples using I statements. No rescuing. 


Urine protocol 

Do NOT ask. Once asked for a sample you MUST stay in the individuals presence. You MUST squat. You MUST sign and seal while in the bathroom. You may have 3 cups of water in a 3 hour period to produce a sample. 


Med Pass 

On deck person waits in living room. At 11AM- meds BEFORE you smoke. No knocking on the door during med time. No talking during your turn. Sign for correct meds. Sunday AM, first come first serve. If med room is locked up, meds are done you missed the pass. 


Treatment Intervention Plan 

30 day restriction that is reviewed weekly in team meetings to monitor compliance. If in violation of TIP behavior you may be discharged. Restrictions obtained during a TIP period will be served once TIP is served. 


As a phase II a restriction effects how ? 

A loss of all privileges'. 

No store, no phone, no passes, no choice of meetings, no job search or volunteer, need to be accompanied.