Observation vs. Perception
Cross-Race Effect
Deductive Reasoning
Facial composite

What is the difference between observation and perception?

 Observation is information received by the senses, while perception is how we interpret those observations.


What is the cross-race effect in eyewitness testimony?

The cross-race effect is the tendency to recognize faces of one's own race more accurately than those of other races.


Define deductive reasoning in the context of forensic science.

Deductive reasoning involves drawing specific conclusions from general principles or premises.


What is the software called that they use to make Facial Composites?



Who was the victim?

Jennifer OR Ronald- She was raped however he was wrongfully convicted 


Provide an example of how two witnesses might observe the same event differently.

One witness may focus on the color of a car, while another may remember the driver’s clothing.


Explain why people may have difficulty identifying individuals of a different race.

People may have fewer experiences with individuals of different races, leading to less familiarity.


Give an example of a deductive reasoning process used in solving a crime.

For instance, if all fingerprints are unique and a fingerprint matches a suspect’s, they must have been at the crime scene.


What is a facial composite and how is it used in forensic investigations?

A facial composite is a representation of a suspect's face created from witness descriptions.


What was the crime that he was convicted of committing



Why can personal bias affect a person's perception?

Personal biases, such as stereotypes, can distort how we interpret what we see.


What implications does the cross-race effect have for forensic investigations?

It can lead to wrongful accusations or misidentifications, complicating investigations.


  How can deductive reasoning be applied to analyze evidence collected at a crime scene?

Analysts might use deductive reasoning to conclude that a suspect was at the scene based on matched evidence.


Describe the difference between internal and external uses of facial composites.

Internally, they help law enforcement; externally, they assist in public awareness and tips.


Which organization helped exonerate Ronald?

The innocence Project


Describe how environmental factors might influence a person's observation.

Factors like lighting, stress, time of day, and distractions can affect how accurately we observe something.


Describe a study that has been conducted to investigate the cross-race effect.

Studies have shown that people are better at remembering faces of their own race compared to others.


What a confidence statement? 

a witnesses level of confidence observed by the officer administering a line up 


What are some challenges associated with creating accurate facial composites?

Witnesses may have memory distortions or varying levels of detail in their descriptions.


What percentage of misidentifications is due to faulty eyewitness? 



Discuss how the reliability of observations can change in a high-stress situation.

In high-stress situations, observations may be less reliable due to adrenaline and panic.


How can law enforcement agencies mitigate the effects of the cross-race effect during investigations?

Training on implicit biases and using diverse lineups can help reduce errors.


Discuss a real-life case where deductive reasoning played a crucial role in solving the crime.

The case of the Boston Strangler involved deductive reasoning to connect various crimes to a single suspect.


How has technology improved the process of creating facial composites?

Technology like computer-generated imagery and software has enhanced accuracy and efficiency.


What reforms should be used in order to avoid misidentifications? 

Blind administration, line compositions, confidence statements, record