
What are the 3 main pests that will trigger a critical on an inspection?





Where on the thaw rack do you store breakfast cheese sauce and why?

Above the eggs and underneath all the other items because it contains eggs and can be a potential contaminant


As RGMs in Baltimore North West, how often are we supposed to do FSA evaluations in our stores?

At least once every week on Wednesday as part of our Wed admin.


What is the standard minimum temperature eggs must be cooked to?

158 degrees


What is the required concentration of our quat sanitizer?

How do you measure the concentration and what must you check daily on that measuring tool?

200 - 400 ppm

Sanitizer test strips and you should check the expiration date.


How many pest logs do you need and what 2 things does the inspector check for on the logs?

The last 3 months

He checks for 

1.Your AD signature 

2. That you do not have the same cleanliness or pest issues from period to period.


What is the holding temp for frosty in the hopper?

How often should you check the temperature?

41 degrees or lower

At least once every 4 hours


What should an employee with a cut on their hand wear?

They must wear a brightly colored bandage (usually blue) and also wear a glove over the bandage.


What are the 2 rules for stocking the upright freezer?

1. You don't mix breakfast and lunch product

2. Hierarchy is based on cooking time with fries with the shortest cooking time (french toast sticks for breakfast) at the top and chicken at the bottom


Name 4 utensils that need to be cleaned, sanitized, and properly stored that the inspector checks during an inspection.

Tomato slicer

Dicing cup

Grill spatulas

Cutting boards


Are dead flies a "critical" or "non-critical" and why?

Non-critical as dead flies are considered a sanitation concern as they no longer pose a critical risk.


What is the number one cause of frosty in the hopper not reading the correct temp?

Unnecessarily putting too much frosty into the machine


Can an employee/manager keep their soda cup in the office? Why?

No, they cannot. Cups stored anywhere in the production area including the office contribute to a critical infraction.


What is the standard minimum temperature sausage must be cooked to?

135 degrees


What are the 4 major requirements for you to avoid a critical on your lettuce, tomatoes, and chopped lettuce?

They must have a 4-hour holder timer

The sticker should be marked with a start and end time

They must be at 41 degrees or less when they come from the walk-in onto the sandwich line

They must not exceed 70 degrees while on line


When it comes to flies how do you get charged with a critical?

If the inspector sees 10 or more small/large flies of the same type in FOH/ BOH


What are the four ways you can get a critical on cheese sauce?

1. You carry over cheese sauce

2. It is not cooked or held at 135 degrees or higher

3. It's stacked on top of each other on a thaw rack

4. Breakfast cheese sauce is stored incorrectly


How long should an employee wash their hands?

How should they wash their hands?

20 seconds

-Make sure the area is stocked with soap, paper towels, water, and  trash can

-roll down the paper towel on a manual dispenser

-wet hands first

-apply soap and leather hands all the way to the elbows and in between fingers

-rinse and dry hands

-use the paper towel to turn off faucet


What is the standard minimum temperature sausage burritos must be held at?

What is the maximum hold time for Burritos?

What is the standard minimum temperature sausage burritos must be held at? 135 degrees

What is the maximum hold time for Burritos?                 90 Minutes


What is the one station where you can use pink towels?

At least one of the pink towels has to be stored in what?

Used only at the grill station

At least one towel has to be stored in sanitizer water.


What are you supposed to do before the inspection when you see evidence of pests in your store?

What is the best way to prevent pests in your store?

Call Ecolab or your pest vendor and get them to fix the situation. Call as many times as needed.

Deny them food and water by keeping your floors and equipment clean.


What is the hold time for frosty carafes?

What two things must be marked on the carafe?          

As a best practice where should a frosty carafe with frosty in it sit (or be stored) and why?

What is the hold time for frosty carafes? 4 hours

What two things must be marked on the carafe? The start and discard time.

As a best practice where should a frosty carafe with frosty in it sit (or be stored) and why? Outside the refrigeration unit, on the counter, or a place where it is constantly visible to the people so they can be constantly aware of the hold times.


Name 5 employee behaviors (there are more) that employees must engage in that do not involve our product or equipment

1. They do not work while they are sick

2. They wash their hands properly in the handwashing sink whenever required

3. They wear a glove on top of a bandage

4. They do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum in the production area

5. They drink in the designated area and do not store their drink on line, in the back or the office


What are the 3 of the procedures for properly holding beef?

1. It must be within the correct holding date (not expired)

2. Meat in the 1/3 pan must be used within 4 hours and discarded

3. It must be at 41 degrees or less

4. If it doesn't temp it must be discarded and NOT cooled

5. It must sit in the walk-in at the furthest spot from the door and must be stored underneath all other product


What are the requirements for rapi kools

1. Need a minimum of 4

2. They must be in a clean plastic wrap, with no holes or contamination

3. Inside the lids must be clean