Interaction of ideas
Wild card!

What is the main idea or lesson of the story called?



What problem was the Bill of Life meant to be a solution for?

Unwanted pregnancies/ abortion


Identify the structure:

The first thing I do every morning is feed the cats and then I can get myself ready.

A Cause and Effect

B problem-solution

C Sequence

D compare and contrast

C Sequence


Give me a synonym:








What should you have the morning of a test?

A good breakfast


What is it called when the reader makes inferences about what will happen next in the story based on the current plot?



Which ideas are contrasted throughout Passage 2? 

A the harshness of the sea and the peace of the island

B the ugliness of the ship and the beauty of the island 

C the comfort of home and the toughness of the open sea 

D the excitement of the battlefield and the dullness of the sea

A the harshness of the sea and the peace of the island 

*Throughout Passage 2, the Sirens contrast the harshness of the sea and the eternal peace of their Island, remarking that “The sea is restless and uneasy . . . Come to this peaceful home of ours.” *


How does the Bill of Rights in the beginning of Unwind contribute to the development of the rest of the story?

It helps the reader understand the situation and the world the characters are living in.

It also helps the reader understand why the characters think and act the way they do.


Fill in the blank:

Kristiana was _________ when she ignored the new student asking her a question.



When looking at questions with longer passages, what should you do first?

Read the questions and answers!


Why did Lev pull the fire alarm in the school building?

Because he realized everything he knew about tithing and Unwinding was a lie and Pastor Dan convinced him to run. Then, he felt bad for telling on Connor and Risa.


According the book, Unwind, what is it called when mothers leave their babies at someone else's doorstep?



How do Passage 1 and Passage 2 represent the Sirens’ story differently? 

The author uses repetitive imagery that emphasizes comfort and rest. 

Passage 1 or Passage 2

The author dramatizes the danger of the Sirens through vivid description. 

Passage 1 or Passage 2

Passage 2

*The repetitive imagery of “our little green isle” contrasted with the “lonely and uneasy” sea evokes a sense of rest and comfort.*

Passage 1

*Paragraphs 6 and 7 dramatize Ulysses’s encounter with the Sirens as they describe how the crew needs to bind him in order to keep safe from the Sirens’ allure.*


Fill in the blank:

Kevin felt ________ when Ms. Clarke kept calling him Kev Kev.



Studies show that teens who vape at an early age develop lung issues sooner in life.

What's the sentence structure?

A Cause and effect

B Sequence

C Problem and solution

A Cause and effect


Part A:

What advice from Circe is essential for Ulysses and his men to prepare for the Sirens in Passage 1?

A The Sirens are few in number. 

B The Sirens can predict the future. 

C The Sirens enjoy flattery and praise

 D The Sirens never let anyone leave their island.  

D The Sirens never let anyone leave their island.  

*In paragraph 3, Circe clearly warns Ulysses about the dangers associated with encountering the Sirens, remarking that “If any one unwarily draws in too close and hears the singing of the Sirens, his wife and children will never welcome him home again . . .” *


In Unwind, how does the author introduce the terrorist group, The Clappers, to the reader?

They have Connor and Risa start clapping and show everyone becoming scared and worried.


How do Passage 1 and Passage 2 represent the Sirens’ story differently?


The author depicts a wise guardian who guides the characters.

   Passage 1  or Passage 2

 The author uses rhythm and rhyme to show the appeal of the Sirens. 

   Passage 1  or Passage 2

Passage 1

*Passage 1 describes the character Circe, who prepares Ulysses for his journey in meeting the Sirens. *

Passage 2

*The rhythm and rhyme of the poem in Passage 2 reveal the enticing nature of the Sirens’ songs. *


Fill in the blank:

Darnell looked at his teacher _________ when she asked him to move his seat.



What is dramatic irony?

When the reader knows something the characters don't


Part B

Which detail from the Sirens’ song in Passage 1 contradicts what Circe tells the men. 

A“‘Come here,’ they sang,‘renowned Ulysses, honour to the Achaean name, and listen to our two voices. 

B No one ever sailed past us without staying to hear the enchanting sweetness of our song— 

C and he who listens will go on his way not only charmed, but wiser,

D for we know all the ills that the gods laid upon the Argives and Trojans before Troy, and can tell you everything that is going to happen over the whole world.’

C and he who listens will go on his way not only charmed, but wiser, 

*. Circe warns the men that the Sirens’ intention is to keep them on the island, whereas this detail contradicts Circe’s warning and describes the benefits of the Sirens’ influences. *


Ancient Greece was a seagoing culture that made important explorations. Ancient Greeks also believed the sea to be a dangerous place. How is this aspect of ancient Greek culture symbolized in Passage 1?

A The Sirens appear enchanting, but they are lethal. 

B Circe enjoys the adventures of Ulysses but warns him of the Sirens. 

C The Sirens reveal important knowledge to sailors who listen to them. 

D Ulysses follows Circe’s instructions, but he is tempted by the Sirens’ song.

A The Sirens appear enchanting, but they are lethal.

*The ancient Greeks were attracted to the sea and made important explorations and discoveries, but Greek culture also acknowledged that the sea was dangerous. This simultaneous allure and danger represented by the Sirens reflects this aspect of ancient Greek culture. *


In Passage 3, which element of Ulysses’s encounter with the Sirens does the artist emphasize? 

A the heroism of Ulysses’s actions on the ship 

B the struggle of the sailors to resist the Sirens’ song 

C the menacing beauty of the Sirens’ physical appearance

D the dangerous nature of Ulysses’s surrounding environment

C the menacing beauty of the Sirens’ physical appearance

*The artist interprets the Sirens with beautiful faces and menacing bird-like bodies. The Sirens surround the ship, and their bodies form the emphasis of the painting. *


Use the word in a sentence:


Answers may vary


Fill in the blanks:

Annalisa went to Patrick with a _______ issue that had been keeping her up all night. She had a dream where a dog ____________ barked at her, to the point where she feared for her life. Turned out that it was just Demyric putting on a ________!


