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were Is this word past tense, present or future?
What is past?
They (talk/talked) on the phone for three hours last night. which verb tense is correct?
What is talked?
The narrator is usually a main character and uses I and me.
What is first person?
What is an example of onomatopoeia?
What is honk, beep, moo, cluck, oink, quack, roof, sss! sshhh, bam etc.
lines grouped together like a paragraph in a poem?
What is a stanza?
We are going to the book fair (to/too). Which is correct?
What is too.
Break apart the word "impassable" into its correct affixes.
What is im- (prefix) not or the opposite of, pass (base word) to go through, able (suffix) to do
The narrator is not a main character and uses she, he, they or it.
What is third person?
Amanda missed the bus and was late for school. What is the cause and effect?
What is cause - Amanda missed the bus. effect - she was late for school.
The suffix that changes adjectives to adverbs.
What is -ly?
Ms. Peyton's favorite number
What is 7?
a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables
What is meter?
What is the prefix and prefix meaning. unlucky
What is un- and not?
What are some ways to understand context clues?
What is look before and after the unknown word, search for clues, hear or say the word, the type of word, up 3 down 3, examples and explanations, affixes, synonyms and antonyms and inferences.
What are the 6 types of context clues?
What are definitions, example or illustrations, contrast, logic, root words and affixes, and grammar?
another word for hero and villain?
What is protagonist (hero) and antagonist (villain)?
This meaning is actually different from its literal meaning.
What is an idiom?
What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?
Similes compare things using the words like or as and metaphors do not.
Make an inference. I had finally gotten used to being weightless. It became a comfortable feeling. I especially liked floating by the window to see the planet Earth below.
What is an astronaut?
John didn't know what to take to school for Show and Tell. He asked his mother for an idea. She suggested he take the ribbon his dog won at the pet parade. What type of text structure is this passage?
What is problem and solution?
What are the 6 types of texts structures?
What is chronological, sequence, cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast, and description.
What is something you know about "characters' perspectives?
what characters think, their feelings, opinions, they may be different or change in the story
What are the elements of a story? (7)
setting, characters, sequence, exposition, conflict, climax and resolution.
What is the difference between "main idea" and "theme"?
Main idea is what the passage is about including details from the text. Theme is the message or lesson that the author is trying to tell us.
What are the 6 types of question?
summary, main idea, author's purpose, give proof, word meaning and infer.