This score is the minimum you need in order to pass the FSA.
What is a 7?
This type of writing explains something.
What is expository?
In argumentative writing the author must do this to get full credit.
What is choose a side or a claim?
Body Paragraphs start typically with this type of word or phrase?
What is a transition?
Your introduction begins with this grammatical device.
What is an indent?
The score I will receive if the prompt is not answered
What is 0
Since you explaining something in detail this is ONE of key elements that can be scored.
What is elaboration?
In argumentative writing the prompt requires you do this first.
What is take a side or position?
Body Paragraphs often introduce this to support the central claim.
What is a topic sentence?
A good introduction begins with a statement that grabs the readers attention.
What is a Hook?
This contributes two points to my total score they include capital letters, spelling, and punctuation.
What is Conventions?
This type of informative essay examines the relationship between two things (text structure).
What is problem and solution, cause and effect or compare and contrast?
Argumentative writing is different from expository writing because it includes this.
What is a claim?
After the supporting claim is introduced it is up to the writer to include this to support their idea.
What is claim evidence?
The introduction has one job. This is to.....
What is answer the prompt?
Without this I will lose two points!
What is Conventions?
Is this a one part prompt or a two part prompt. The two sources you read are about natural disasters. Write an opinion essay about whether or not you believe it is important for people to know how to respond to a natural disaster. Use information from the passages in your essay.
What is a one part prompt?
Argumentative writing relays heavily on your opinion. Your opinion in writing is called this
What is Claim?
After Claim evidence from the text is used, the writer then MUST have this to assert why the evidence is relevant.
What is Elaboration?
In your introduction your must include two reasons to talk about later in your body paragraphs. These are called...
What is supporting claims or main idea?
By forgetting to do this my work could be considered to be plagiarized.
What is citation?
What to include in your informative essay to earn a 7 or better?
What is introduction, include your main idea, body paragraphs (topic sentence, evidence, elaboration, closing sentence) and conclusion (restate the main idea)?
Without this your argument is considered weak.
What is claim evidence?
Finally, the last paragraph in your essay is called?
What is a conclusion?
The amount of points you could earn from a solid introduction.
What is 3 or 4!?