
What should you include at the beginning of your introduction to make the reader interested in reading your essay?

What is an attention-grabber or a hook.


How many pieces of evidence should you have to support your topic for each body paragraph?

What is least two.


When should you elaborate in your paragraph?

What is .... after the text evidence.


What is wrong with this sentence? To Begin with, Technology has helped us with deep sea exploration by helping us go deeper than ever.

What is...capitalization! 

CORRECT VERSION: To begin with, technology has helped us with deep sea exploration by helping us go deeper than ever.


How many minutes do you have to take the FSA writing test?

What is ... 120 minutes or 2 hours!!!


What do you need to include at the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraph?

What is a transition! 

TRANSITION WORDS: To begin, In addition, Also, To conclude,


What do you need to remember to include before giving your evidence from the articles?

What is cite your source!!!!!


The (author's name) said, 

In the article (title) it states, 

According to Source (#), 


How would you elaborate this sentence? 

Mrs. Scartz is the best teacher at Maitland Middle because she is so helpful.

a) For example, she provides assistance with encouraging students to stay on task.

b) In other words, she is so smart!

c) In the future, she will continue to work at Maitland



What is wrong with this sentence? Have you ever wondered why you can't see all of the stars in the night sky.

What is ... a question mark!! Have you ever wondered why you can't see all of the stars in the night sky?


Which pieces of paper will NOT be scored?

What is ... the planning sheet is NOT scored


What is wrong with this paragraph so far? To begin with, we should continue to circulate the penny because according to source one...

What is... there is no reason.  It should have said, To begin with, we should continue to circulate the penny because it has historical value.


Give three ways to cite your source.

What is ... 

According to the text, In source one, The article stated, The text said, 

*Answers may vary


The number of types of elaboration? 

What is 7


What is wrong with this sentence? As you can see, Light Pollution is a prodlem for many reasons

What is ... capitalization and spelling of common word. As you can see, light pollution is a problem for many reasons.


What should you do when you have completed your essay? a) take a nap b) read and edit your paper c) talk to someone near you

What is ... B! Read and edit your paper! Your hand is not working as fast as your brain!!!!


What is wrong with this paragraph? To begin with, Ann Bailey was a hero because she was brave. According to source one, "Ann was willing to ride 100 miles to get gunpowder to help save a settlement." Source one also states, "She was willing to dress as a man in order to fight." Obviously, Ann Bailey was a brave hero.

What is ... There is no elaboration!!! What should it have said?


Which evidence does NOT support the topic? Main idea: Mrs. Macky is a great reading teacher. Evidence: a) she always has a great suggestion for a book. b) she has taught us a lot about reading poetry. c) she taught me how to write an essay. d) she gives us helpful reading strategies on Unit tests.

What is... C! Writing an essay does not have to do with being a reading teacher! That's writing!


Types of Elaboration





Cause & Effect


Anecdote or Short Story


What's wrong with this sentence? Clearly ann bailey was a hero becase she was determined

Needs to capitalize name and spelling of common word "because"

CORRECT VERSION: Clearly, Ann Bailey was a hero because she was determined.


For an argumentative writing task, what is a graphic organizer you can use to help you determine which side has the most support from the passage set.

What is... T-chart!


Why should you use your planning sheet?

What is... To plan and organize your essay!


Think of at least three pieces of evidence to support this main idea: I was taught everything that I need to know to do well on the FSA writing test.

What is ... I was taught to include an introduction, body, and conclusion.  I was taught to write a topic sentence for each body paragraph.  I was taught to include text evidence to support my thesis. I learned strategies for elaboration. I learned to cite my sources.  I use transition words.  *Answers may vary


Think of at least two sentence starters for different elaboration techniques that you could use after text evidence.

In other words... This means... So...   If....then....  Due to....   One example... One time....  However...  Likewise... To explain... For example...

*Answers vary 


What is wrong with this sentence: First, technology has help us.

What is...No reason.  Too simple or short of a sentence. ELABORATE!  Grammar past tense "helped" 

Correction: First, technology has helped us explore deeper down into the ocean.


What is the highest score possible on FSA writing TOTAL?  

What is 10

3 categories:



