Format for Writing
Informative/Explanatory Writing
Argumentative Writing
Controlling Elements of the Rubric

This statement is in your conclusion paragraph. It is the last sentence of that paragraph.

What is restating your claim/thesis statement

Don't use personal pronouns like "I", "Me", "My", and "We".
What is keeping it general?

This sentence starts off your paper. It is the first sentence of your introductory paragraph. It states your opinion. Ms. Casey always states to remember "should or should not.."".

What is your claim statement?

This section is a total of four points. It describes elements like how a writer should use clear and effective organizational structure. It also states how the essay should include logical progression of ideas. Transitional strategies should be utilized as well.
What is Focus, Organization, and Purpose?

UnPack the Prompt

What is the first thing you should do when you begin a writing a test?


This statement restates the prompt and includes the  main points that you will discuss in your essay.

What is a claim/thesis statement?


Bold Statement, Interesting Fact, Direct Quote, or Pose a Question.

What is a hook?


Sometimes in argumentative writing you don't have to look at all of the articles. Only look at the articles that support the viewpoint that you chose to write about.

What is strategic reading and writing?

This element is worth four points. It focuses on providing relevant evidence. Clear and effective expression of ideas is another important component. Various sentence structure and using appropriate vocabulary are also important.
What is Evidence and Elaboration?

Read & take notes [T-Chart]!

What is the second thing you should do when you begin a writing test?


Technology should be used all of the time because it allows people to have access to educational software, helps people to stay in contact with loved ones, and helps people to navigate where they need to go. Even though some may argue that technology can be over used, there are more benefits that prove otherwise.

What type of essay is this?


This sentence ends your paper. It is strong and concluding. It sums up what you have written about leaves the writer astounded.

What is a powerful statement or concluding sentence?


It is important to stay on target when writing argumentative pieces. Stay focused on one opinion, do not stray away from that opinion. It is important to stay pick a side and a team. Take a stance and stick to it!

What is staying on topic?

This focuses on spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Students must demonstrate an adequate command of basic conventions. Some minor errors may be present.
What are Conventions of Standard English?

Analyze & Synthesize [Organize] your evidence

What is the third thing you should do when you begin a writing test?


Recycling is important for the preservation of present and future Earth!  Evidence shows that recycling is important now and in years to come.

What type of essay is this?


Spiders help the environment by killing insects that carry diseases.  What part of  an essay is this an example of?

What is a topic sentence?


Be sure to create your two viewpoints based on the text.

What is text/evidence-based writing?


multiple text

What is the amount of sources you should use for evidence?


Create a plan. This plan should reflect the outline that you've been using in class. The major components of this plan Intro which includes your Claim/Thesis statement, Body 1, Body 2, and Conclusion!

What is the fourth thing you should do when you begin a writing test?


The first sentence of Body 1. Warning systems are very effective in helping to stop a tsunami.  What is this sentence called?

What is a topic sentence?


For example, the text states that "..." (par. #, p. #).

What is citing from the text?


You have 120 minutes to read, write, and plan. Thus, it is important to use your time wisely and reread parts of the article that confuse you. It is also important to check your writing for errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

What is taking a timed test?

It is very important that when you write you focus on the writing task. It is important to have strong command of language, vary sentence structure, align your ideas in a logical manner, and use grade-appropriate vocabulary.
What is a 10-point paper?

Write your essay! This should include a four paragraph essay with all of the components: an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Make sure that your focus on purpose, focus, organization, elaboration, evidence, spelling, grammar and punctuation.

What is the fifth thing you should do when you begin a writing test?