Parental Influences on Their Children’s Psychosocial Development
Parents preventing harm
Development of social skills
The Effect of Context
Work-Life-Family Balance

When parents guide the children towards control of emotions in socially appropriate ways.

What is Co-regulation?


The relentless harassment, intimidation, humiliation, and tormenting of an individual over the Internet or via social media

What is cyberbullying?


A child’s competence to modify behavior in accordance with the social context, to interact with adults and peers, and to use verbal expression appropriately

What are social skills?


The range of behaviors that are associated with social skills reflect the culture of the child’s family and community.

What is cultural context theory?


Allows for, prioritizing family time.

What is work-family balance?


The ability of the child to manage certain tasks independently and age appropriately.

What is self-efficacy?


Teasing/harassment that occurs predominantly during the school-aged years.

What is bullying?


Contributes to children’s more positive relationships with their peers due to their higher levels of empathy and altruism.

Authoritative parenting


Children have more positive interactions with adults and other children when parents promote this.

What is self-esteem?


Both boys and girls may be influenced by mother’s employment outside the home in this way.

What is subtly influence perceptions of gender roles and foster attitudes of greater gender equality in later life?


A child’s competence to modify behavior in accordance with the social context, to interact with adults and peers, and to use verbal expression appropriately

What are social skills?


Discipline, self-direction, and sense of competence that come from working on a hobby or playing sports results from this.

What is encourage sports, hobbies, and/or arts-based activities, such as music, drama, or dance?


Children of this style of parenting tend to be less socially adept and more at risk for behavior problems.

What is authoritarian?


When families live in communities with this, there are fewer parenting challenges and better outcomes for kids.

What is low incidents of crime & parents enjoy social support.


These help children make & sustain positive peer relationships & reflect parental involvement and monitoring.

What are organized leisure activities?


When parents encourage children to try out new things and provide the materials and instruction needed to learn new skills.

What is develop competency?


When children disobey the rules of family system.

What is non-compliance?


Children who are this have more positive social traits, better social problem-solving skills, more constructive social behavior, and better friendship relations in comparison to less popular children.

What is liked and accepted by their peers?


As environments become poorer and more dangerous, parents rely more this.

What is physical discipline?


Higher rates of problem behaviors, delinquency and the use of drugs and alcohol plus bullying/cyber-bullying are associated with this.

What is lack of parental monitoring?


Self regulation acquired during the preschool years provides the foundation for a greater sharing of social power.

What is co-regulation?


Interferes with effective communication and interaction, negative ways of getting attention, expressing anger and hostility.

What is anti-social behaviour?


Children of this type of parent have more difficulties in peer relationships due to their typically immature behaviors as they often lack impulse control and show less social responsibility.

What is permissive?


High level of this is linked to fewer behavior problems in all types of neighborhoods.

What is parental involvement?


These transform middle-class family life in ways not available to working-class and poor families.

What are children’s extracurricular activities?