Sports (Olympics)
Fun Facts about Princeton

This US National Park is home to the geyser nicknamed “Old Faithful”. 

What is "Yellowstone"


This artist sings this lyric of this popular song;

“I never miss a beat, I’m lightnin’ on my feet, and that’s what they don’t see.”

What is "Shake it off"?
Who is "Taylor Swift"?


The Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony took place not in a stadium, but around distinct monuments of the city, including this river, which will also be used for marathon swimming and triathlon events.

What is the "River Seine"


A female black Labrador Retriever, she, is highly trained dog who supports Public Safety’s community caretaking mission. She is not a police canine, and does not sniff for drugs nor explosives. She can, however, perform countless tricks, from saluting and high-fiving to taking a bow and playing peek-a-boo.

Who is "Coach"!


This six-letter word defines an enzyme found in the pancreas that breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol or other alcohols?

What is "Lipase"? 


These are the only two countries that start with the letter "Z"

What are "Zimbabwe" and "Zambia"?


Elton John joined forces with this popular artist in a dynamic duo cover of “Cold Heart”

Who is Dua Lipa?


This hat worn during the French Revolution, is the official mascot for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

What is the "Phryge"


Princeton has a pretty well sized campus, in fact, central campus (excluding Forrestal and Meadows) is measured to be about this many acres.

(+/- 100 acres allowed)

What is "600 acres"


An electric train is traveling at 100 mph South West, and the wind is blowing to the North.
This is the direction the train’s smoke is blowing towards?

What is “There is no smoke, the train is electric!"


These are collectively known as "the Eight Wonders of the new world"

What are "Pyramids, Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, Colosseum, Machu Picchu, Christo Redentor, Petra and Chechen Itza"

“Welcome to your life, there's no turning back” is a lyric from this popular song by this 80’s hit band.

Who are "Tears for Fears"?


This was the year that the first modern olympic games were held, revived by Pierre de Coubertin.

(+/- 10 years allowed)

What is "1896"


This Princeton Slang phrase “I’m going to the street” refers to what street on campus? 

What is "Prospect Ave" (aka home to 10/11 of the eating clubs) 


This is the longest-running Broadway show

What is "the Phantom of the Opera"


This country is the youngest country on the planet, having only been established in 2011.

What is "South Sudan"


According to multiple sources, this song written by this famous band is the most covered song of all time, with more than 2000+ versions.

What is "Yesterday"

Who are "The Beetles"?


With out of 10,500 athletes competing, 5,250 being men and 5,250 women, this was the first year in Olympic history that achieved full gender parity

What is "(Paris) 2024"


These two Princeton alumni served as U.S. presidents

Who are "James Madison and Woodrow Wilson" (classes of 1771 and 1879 respectively)


This host holds the record for the most wins in the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Host for a Reality or Competition Program category?

Who is "RuPaul"?


These three countries are considered "enclaves", that is, their borders are completely surrounded by another country.

What are "San Marino, Vatican City, and Lesotho"?


This song has been heard countless times on popular short form video platforms such as TikTok and Instagram Reels, was written by this artist.

What is "Je te Laisserai Des Mots"?

Who is "Patrick Watson"?


Olympic medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics will carry 18 grams of iron taken from the Eiffel Tower, which is also known by this nickname (not to be confused with the former Prime Minister) 

What is "the Iron Lady"


This classroom is the largest lecture hall on campus, a famous location for most final exams, and known for some of Einstein's lectures!

What is "McCosh 50"


What phase will the moon be in tonight, July 27th?

What is "Waning Gibbous"?