How much time is allotted for Check-Ins?
45 Minutes
What grade group is FTC for?
Are you allowed to bring firearms to FIRST events?
No; the only exceptions to this rule are law enforcement and venue security
Can you record FIRST's Staff if they consent?
What does DoF stand for?
Degrees of Freedom
Give an example of a "Raw Material"
sheet stock, extruded shapes, metal, plastics, rubber, wood, magnets, etc.
What date will the game-specific rules be released?
What is the maximum mechanical output power allowed on a servo?
8 watts @6V
Are hotspots allowed?
When are team updates posted?
Every other Thursday beginning on kickoff day and ending two weeks prior to the FIRST Championship. Team Updates are posted on
What indicates your team's ALLIANCE?
A red or blue opaque sign assigned at the MATCH scheduling
What organization sponsors FTC?
RTX (Aerospace and defense)
Robots may not use any closed air devices except ___
When putting the alliance markers, how far away do they have to be from the team number? (inches)
3 inches
Where can we find more information about FIRST safety?
FIRST Safety Manual
What does FTA stand for?
FIRST Technical Advisor
Scoring elements must be? (in relation to the robot)
Easily removed from an unpowered robot OR not used in robot construction.
During Ceremonies, what is the maximum amount of team members allowed at the pit?
When having issues with control hub/phone or robot is disconnected from robot mid game who do you call to assist?
FTA - First Technical Advisor
How should batteries be mounted on the robot?
Batteries must be mounted such that they are protected from direct contact with other robots or any sharp edges.
Robots are limited to a total of how many motors and servos?
8 motors and 12 servos
What are the 6 cult values of FIRST? (not in competition manual)
Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork, Fun
What criteria(s) must a vendor satisfy to be a legitimate business source for COTS?
1. must have a Federal Tax number
2. business activities of the Vendor and First teams should be separate
3. must maintain sufficient stock or production capability
4. products are available to all teams
What are some tools that emit sparks that are prohibited to use in the pits?
Welders, bench and angle grinders, gas torches
What rule do these expectations correlate with? ratcheting devices (wrenches, bearings, etc.),Holonomic wheels (omni or mecanum), and dead-wheel odometry kits
R307:COTS components and mechanisms must not exceed a single degree of mechanical freedom (DoF)