
What is one shared technique that both The Thin Blue Line and The Rider exhibit?



Which director would be lauded as the founder of Cinema Verite in France, name one film that he made.

Jean Rouch, Chronicle of a Summer (1960)


In what Nichol's mode will we categorize Dont Look Back?



Name the film movement that denounces neocolonialism/imperialism, capitalism and the System. Additionally name one prominent director from this film movement

Third Cinema Film Movement from Latin America. Emerges in the 1960's and 1970's.

Argentine filmmakers Fernando Solanas and Octavio Gentino 


Give an example of a docu-autuer

Errol Morris; Michael Moore


What is post-modernity's take on Truth

No Absolute Truth, instead there are multiple, partial, fluid, relative, contingent truths


Cinema Verite was influenced by Vertov's concept of "______"

Kino Prava


In which Nichol's mode can we place Tongue Untied?

Performative, Poetic


What modes of filmmaking is The Hour of the Furnaces opposing against?

First and second cinemas; Hollywood and mainstream cinema + european art cinema


How is Harlan Country, USA relevant to Roger & Me?

Auto-documentary and New Journalism


why there was a perceived crisis in the documentary in the 1980s? What are some challenges documentaries in that era face?

1. DC/CV forms exhausted

2. documentary content unoriginal

3. funding problems

4. theatrical audience losing interest

5. inability to fully acknowledge non-fiction reality's status as representation


What were the technological advances that enabled direct cinema and cinéma vérité?

16mm film; lightweight, hand-held cameras; audiotape recorder; sync sound equipments


What are the six documentary modes proposed by Bill Nicholas?

Poetic, Expository, Observational, Participatory, Reflexive, Performative


What kinds of ethnography does Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin deploy in Chronicle of a Summer.

self-ethnography; from studying the colony to the metropole; from gazing the colonized to directing the gaze back toward the colonizers


Name an artistic movement and/or concept that The Blood of the Beast is associated with.

Surrealism, Cinema of Cruelty


If The Think Blue Line uses re-enactment, what is the related but different technique that Sherman's March deploy?



What British film movement is considered a predecessor to the development of CV/DC? Give a film that is associated with the movement. 

British Free Cinema; Lindsay Anderson’s O Dreamland (1953)


Give three examples of mokumentary.

No Lies ; David Holzman’s Diary ; Sherman's March


What documentary techniques does No Lies explore and comment on? and How does the Mitchell Block achieve the critiques?

DC/CV; (1) abuse the subject with an insensitive filmmaker, (2) undermine the audience’s relationship with the filmmaker by making [him] unlikeable and unethical, and (3) abuse the spectator by pretending to present the truth but lying.


Name the type of theoretical examination applied to a film that calls for fractured, digressive narratives, defamiliarization, reflexivity, and making things difficult.


or Brechtian Alienation


If Modernity emerged alongside industrialization and urbanization, then post-modernism emerged alongside ....

television and consumerism, nuclear age/ post-world war II era, credit card, disneyland, etc.


Give three taboos of Direct Cinema

No interviews; No tripods; No narration; No intervention;No non-diegetic sources


What categories of documentary/nonfiction forms (e.g., Direction Cinema, Cinema Verite, diary film, mokumentary, ethnographic film, biopic, docudrama) does Sherman's March play with?

Not only does Sherman’s March cross the boundaries of comedy and satire, it confuses the borders between diverse nonfiction forms. It begins as a traditional documentary (of the “biopic” variety), then adopts a cinema verité mode. Beyond that, it draws on the ethic and aesthetic of the home movie, as well as the personal diary film. As McElwee has stated, “I try to create an almost literary voice-over” (interview with MacDonald 23).


How can we position Harlan County, USA related to Third Cinema?

Not a typical third cinema (not anti-colonialism in the ways that third cinema in Latin American and Africa will be doing; aesthetics-wise is more first and second cinema); does capture third world condition in the USA, focuses on class and labor; guerilla documentary

Name 2 of Thomas Waugh's 4 criteria for progressive political documentaries  (1984)

1. no authoritative narrative

2. No dominant individual stars

3. use value (for discussion)

4. complex structures reflecting real events