Mental Health
Fact or Fiction

How many hours of sleep do school-age children generally need per night?
a) 4-6 hours
b) 8-10 hours
c) 12-14 hours
d) 16-18 hours

B) 8-10 hours


How often should children engage in physical activity for optimal health?
a) Once a week
b) Three times a week
c) Five times a week
d) Every day

D) Everyday


If you are a little afraid of sharing your worries with someone, which one of the following can help you express your feelings?

A) Cutting out pictures from magazine

B) Reading a newspaper

C) Writing in a journal

D) Watching a movie

C) Writing in a journal


Food gives us energy and vitamins or minerals help us grow and help us maintain a balanced nervous system. Fact or Fiction?

Fact! Vitamins and minerals form the building blocks our bodies need for us to grow. Even though vitamins and minerals aren’t food, they are extremely important nutritional elements in the foods we eat. The more nutritious foods we eat, the more vitamins and minerals our bodies are able to get.


What is the recommended daily intake of water for children?
a) 1 cup
b) 4 cups
c) 8 cups
d) 12 cups

C) 8 cups


How much moderate to vigorous physical activity do children/teens need each day?

A) 5-10 min 

B) 10-15 min

C) 20-30 min 

D) 45-60 min

D) 45-60 minutes


Which one of the following is an example of a good outlet for reducing your stress and coping with a tough situation?

A) Exercising

B) Yelling

C) Ignoring your feelings

D) Sleeping

A) Exercising

Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. 


You need a gym membership to be physically active. Fact or Fiction?

Fiction!! go for a walk, watch youtube at-home workouts, do some yoga, the list goes on....


How many meals per day do people need to eat for a healthy metabolism?

A) 1 

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

C) 3 meals per day


What is an immediate benefit of physical activity?

A) Reduced stress

B) Improved mood

C) Better sleep

D) All of the above

D) All of the above


Which of the following are REAL illnesses?

A) Depression 

B) Anxiety 

C) Flu

D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Mental health problems like anxiety are just as real as physical illnesses. When they are mild you will often get better on your own, the way you might from a cold. But at times we need help. We might need to talk to someone or perhaps learn new ways to deal with difficult feelings. Sometimes we may need to take medicine. But with the right help we can get better.


Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight. Fact or Fiction? 

Fiction! It can make you sick. If trying to lose weight this will likely not work and is not beneficial in the long run for your body or mind. It can make you hold onto weight because it will put your body in survival mode. 


Which of the following is NOT part of the five food groups?

A) Grains

B) Fruits

C) Vegetables

D) Oils

E) Dairy

D) Oils


What is a long-term benefit of physical activity?

A) A stronger immune system 

B) Feeling tired

C) Feeling bloated

D) Feeling stressed

A) Stronger immune system


Poor mental health increases the risk for long-lasting (chronic) physical conditions like: 

A) Heart Disease

B) Stroke

C) Cancer

D) All of the above

D) All of the above


Intelligence can increase depending on whether or not you spend time building your brain like a muscle. Fact or Fiction? 


Neuroplasticity is our brains ability to rewire itself and build on itself similar to a muscle. This is also why positive affirmations and intentional thought shifting exercises are helpful. 


How many fruits and vegetables should you eat in a day?

A) 5 - 6 servings

B) 2 - 3 servings

C) 1 serving

D) None 

B) 2-3 Servings


What are the 3 primary fitness components? 

A) Cardiovascular, Muscle, Flexibility

B) Running, Weights, Yoga

C) Breathing, Form, Proper rest

D) Location, Pre-workout, Stretching

A) Cardiovascular, Muscle, Flexibility


Who among the following people has experienced serious mental health problems?

A) Zayn Malik

B) J K Rowling 

C) Lady Gaga

D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Many well-known and successful people have had mental health issues. Others include Ruby wax, Demi Lovato. Stephen Fry, Johnny Depp. Having a mental health issue doesn’t mean you can’t make a success of your life or get better.


The recommended daily limit for screen time for children and teens is 2 hours a day: Fact or Fiction?

Fact. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends children and teens spend less than 2 hours a day in screen time.