They Soar Above
Mans Best Friends
Slithering Scales
Creepy Crawlies
They Swim Below

Able to reach 200 mph while diving, and known as the Duck Hawk in North America, this bird is the fastest bird alive. What is it?

Peregrine Falcon


This dog breed is said to be the smartest dog breed of all. They are tiny and ferocious, so they don't exactly show it though. Name this tiny dog.

The Chihuahua


The Milk Snake disguises itself as this venomous snake, but there is a saying that can help you tell them apart. The saying is, "Red touches Black, friend of Jack. Red touches Yellow, kill a fellow." Who is the venomous snake?

The Eastern Coral Snake


These insects are the ultimate aerial hunter, as far as insects go, and deserve their name. Add on a set of eyes that look like aviator goggles, these fancy flyers are a sight to behold. What are they? 



Known for a caudal fin that is as long as the rest of it's body, this awesome shark is incredibly long. It uses this fin to stun it's prey by whipping it through the water. Name this species of shark.

Thresher Shark


This bird is the largest land bird in North America, having wingspans of about 9.5 feet. Name this bird with the 3rd largest US state in it's name.

California Condor


Though they won't hurt their owners, this dog breed is the one with the highest bite force, coming in at 734 psi. What is this Turkish dog breed?

The Kangal


This snake is the second longest venomous snake, is named for their dark mouth, and is the second fasted snake in the world. Who is this speedy and lengthy snake?

The Black Mamba


This species of beetle is able to spray a noxious gas out of it's behind. This beetle's name is shared with the corporal rank in the British Artillery. What is the name of this "Bombastic" beetle species?

The Bombardier Beetle


These tiny sharks make weird wounds in whales, dolphins, and large fish. They achieve this by biting the prey and rotating until the small circular chunk of their body comes off. Name these parasitic sharks.

The Cookiecutter Shark


These creatures are the first ever bird-like species, living 150 million years ago. Though they couldn't fly, they could glide. Name this prehistoric bird-like creature.

The Archaeopteryx


This species of dog can't bark, and instead communicate through yodeling. Name this dog that originated in Central Africa.

The Basenji


Snakes have some of the lowest top speeds among all creatures, but not this one. Able to slither around at 18mph, this snake is the fastest snake when moving around. Name this snake known for the patterns it leaves in the sand while moving.

The Sidewinder Rattlesnake


Most people don't know that these creatures are arachnids, but they have heard of the term that gets it's name from them. Name these creatures with a deadly sting.



This gigantic cephalopod is the owner of the largest eyes on the planet, with them being 27 inches in diameter, which is the size of a football. What is this animal?

Colossal Squid


This pterosaur's name means "Two Shape Tooth" and is one of smaller pterosaurs. Though it's small, it's head is quite large. Name this Pterosaur.

The Dimorphodon


This dog breed is known as the oldest breed to ever exist, dating back to Ancient Egypt in around 329BC. What is this ancient dog breed?

The Saluki


This snake is the fastest snake in terms of striking and returning back into pre-strike position. It can do this in 0.15 seconds. Who is this crazy fast and crazy deadly snake?

The Death Adder


This creature is the oldest member of the Arthropod family. They are 521 million years old. Name these ancient creepy crawlies.



This predatory fish is super fast, attracted to shiny objects, hunt with their sight instead of smell, and have some teeth that point backwards. What is this super crazy fish?

The Barracuda


This species of bird travels from its Arctic breeding grounds to Antarctica where it enjoys the Antarctic summer, covering around 25,000 miles. Name this long distance flyer.

The Arctic Tern


This dog is surprisingly fast for it's size. It is a large dog capable of reaching a top speed of 45mph. Name this silvery dog breed.

The Greyhound


This snake is the most poisonous one in the world. Keep in mind, poison is different then venom. Who is this odd snake?

Red-Necked Keelback


These animals are called spiders, when they are not even close to them. They aren't arachnids, they belong to an order called Harvestmen. Name this 8-legged creature.

The Daddy Long Legs


These creatures have three hearts. Those three hearts have two different functions. Two of them pump blood to the gills to gain oxygen, while the other pumps the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. Name this amazing creature.

An Octopus