What was the date when the twin towers got crashed into it???
It was Sep. 19 2001
How many muscles does it take to smile and how many muscles does it take to frown??
It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles to frown
What is a dwarf planet
A planet that is not a planet
How many years can a turtle live??
100 years!!!
How strong are your bones??
Your bones are stronger than steel
Who was the first person in space??
The first person in space is Yuri Gagarin
Can fish cough???
Yes, some can
How many gallons of blood a day can pump in the heart ???
The answer is the heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood a day
What is the fourth planet from the sun
It is mars
What color is hippopotamus milk???
Hippocampus milk is pink
What percentage amount of water is in you
The answer is you are 70% water
Are there more planets???
In what direction can a kangaroos not go in???
They can not go backwards!!
What is something impossible to do???
The answer is anything you thought was impossible
How many months or years does it take to get to mars?
Between 6-8 months