How many hearts does an octopus have?
What is the largest ocean on earth?
The Pacific Ocean
What galaxy is earth part of?
The milky way galaxy
What color is a giraffes tongue?
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
This creature can lift up to 50 times its weight.
What country did the sandwich originate from?
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
What is a group of fish called?
A school
Which planet has the largest ocean?
The human brain weighs more than the human heart. True or False?
False, the human heart weighs more than the brain.
Which planet is known as the "hottest planet" in our solar system?
Venus (867 degrees)
How many teeth do adult humans have?
Which was the first country to use paper money?
Which state in the U.S is the Grand Canyon located?
What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile River (4,132 miles)
Which animal can live the longest without water?
Camel (A week or more without water)
What temperature does water boil?
212 degrees
Which group of ancient people worshipped cats?
What are the primary colors of light?
Red, Green and Blue
What is the worlds largest social media platform?
What is the highest grossing film of all time?
Avatar ($2,923,706,026)
How many phases does the moon have?
What animal is born blind?
Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong