Wir trafen uns in Deutschland.
(We met in Germany.)
Who is the Bost family? [(BOST)]
Harrison Ford watched our furlough video in person.
Who is Amber Rogers?
This is the best Missionary group in the world.
Our great-grandfather was a bodyguard of Emperor and King Kaiser Wilhelm ll.
Who is the Boekee family? [(BOO-K)]
I have a watercolor painting in a museum.
Who is Deb Scheuermann?
This country has the highest percentage of professed Christians.
What is the Vatican City.
One member of this couple has done 3 rollerblading marathons.
Who are the Lindsey's? [(LEND-ZEE)]
I have eaten two water monitor lizards.
Who is Ronda Unruh?
This tribe has the tallest average height per person.
What is the Tutsi tribe?
(Also known as the Watussi of Rwanda and Burundi, Central Africa whose young adult males average 1.83 m (6 ft).)
We married 3 times.
Who is the Fuentes family? [(FWEN-TEZ)]
I was attacked by a dog at two years old and had to get over 50 stitches in my head.
Who is Brock Larson?
This is the hottest average temperature country on this planet.
What is Mali?
Average of 84F/29C
I bought my spouse with an undisclosed number of cows.
Who is the Maas family. [(MOSS)]
I grew up with horses and I had a pony named Blaze that I competed with in 4H.
Who is Chad Irwin?
This is the second highest mountain peak in the whole wide world.
What is K2?
(8,611 metres or 28,251 ft, Afghanistan-China)