Fish in Pop Culture
Misc. Fish
Stuff Nightmares

The famous Clown Fish famous for "Just keep swimming!".

Who is Nemo?


This part of fish anatomy enables fish to breathe by filtering oxygen molecules out of water and into their bloodstream.

What are gills?


The largest of all octopuses, it lives in the northern Pacific, including Puget Sound, and can weigh up to 150 pounds.

What is the pacific octopus?


Most jawed fish are covered with these tiny plates for protection or camoflage. 

What are scales?


The largest known jellyfish.  They do not roar, but their bells can have a diameter of 8 feet, and their tenticles can be 100 feet long.  Their stings are incredibly painful, and they can still be so after the animals dies.

What is the lions mane jellyfish?


This is an aquatic monster from Greek Mythology that appeared in the "Clash of the Titans", and is the name of a Seattle Hockey team.

What is a Kraken?


These appendages enable the fish to move forward, to turn, or to stay at a specific depth in the water. 

What are fins?


150,000 to 400,000

What are the number of eggs an octopus will lay?


The largest of all fish. They move slowly through tropical ocean waters. They are filter feeders, and eat mostly plankton and small fish.

What are whale sharks?


These South American freshwater fish, with strong jaws and serated teeth, travel in schools. They are omnivourus - eating plants, and fish and various other animals - devouring victims quickly.

What are piranha?


This forgetful fish helps Nemo find his way back to his dad.

Who is Dori?


These large, flat fish are found on the bottom of the Northern Pacific. As adults, both of their eyes and nostrols are located on the right side of their head.

What are halibit?

The octopus has three, two to pump blood through their gills, and a third to circulate their blood through their body.

How many hearts does an octopus have?


Although they have rows of very sharp teeth, their skeletons are made of cartilage instead of bone.

What are sharks?


A documentary about the capture and captivity of orcas or killer whales for amusement parks.

What is Blackfish?


A story by Ernest Hemingway about an unlucky fisherman who finally catches a giant Marlin - only to face sharks.

What is the "Old Man and the Sea"?


They are domestic freshwater fish, and common pets, that have grown to be over a pound when released from their fish bowls into open fresh water.

What are gold fish or carp?


An octopus shoots this out from their bodies when they try to escape enemies.

What is ink?


They have an equine shaped head and a curved tail. The male carries scores of his mate's fertilized eggs in a pouch on his abdomen.

What are sea horses?


These deep sea creatures can grow as long as 33 feet, mostly their 8 arms and 2 tentacles that surround a large beak. They prey on fish and others of their species. Their archenemy is the sperm whale.

What are giant squid?


It is one of Steven Spielberg's first blockbusters. The movie featured a massive great white shark that terrorized the beaches of the fictional Amity Island.

What was Jaws?


The most distinctive difference between the tail movements of fish, and those of mammals (dolphins, whales, etc.).

What is that fish tails are vertical and move from side to side, while whale and dolphin tails are horizontal and move up and down?


Instead of iron based hemoglobin, octopuses have the copper based protein of hemocyanin, which makes this blue.

What is an octopus's blood?


They are invertebrates and have no heart or brain, but they do have long stinging tenticles with which they stun and catch their prey.

What are jelly fish?


The repeatitive popsong for young children about a very young shark and their family. doo doo doo doo do do...

What is Baby Shark?