How many days in the week
7 days
20 + 300 + 400 = ?
I have: 2 dimes 1 penny How much do I have?
What is 21 cents.
Next dollar up for 5 lbs of apples, $5.24
elephant with huge ears and can fly
how many months in a year
12 months
60 - 40 = ?
I have 3 quarters. How much money do I have?
What is 75 cents.
Next dollar up for a $2.59 gallon of milk
in Monster INC what is the child's name
how many days in a year
365 days in a year
$24.15 + $1.45 = ?
I have: 1 quarter 2 dimes 1 nickel 2 pennies
What is 52 cents.
Next dollar up for a package of sliced cheese, $3.02
He is Winnie Poohs friend who is always depressed
how many weeks in a year
52 weeks in a year
$5.30 - $3.15 = ?
I have: 3 dimes 2 nickels 2 pennies
What is 42 cents.
Next dollar up for a box of frozen pizza that costs $8.59
What is the name of the monkey in Lion King
what months have 30 days
Sept, April,June and Nov
What is the sum of five hundred fifteen and one hundred ten?
I have: 1 half dollar 3 dimes 4 pennies
What is 84 cents
Next dollar up for 3 lbs of ground beef that costs $13.78
What is Mickey Mouse dog name