Joint Capsule
Bursa/Fat Pads
Patellar Reticulum

This structure encloses both the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints and is composed of a fibrous outer layer and a synovial inner layer.

What is the joint capsule?


This meniscus is C-shaped and is more prone to injury due to its restricted mobility.

What is the medial meniscus? 


This ligament attaches proximally at the medial femoral epicondyle and distally to the medial condyle of the tibia.

What is the MCL?


This bursa is located between the quadriceps tendon and the anterior femur, superior to the patella.

What is the suprapatellar bursa?


The retinaculum on the medial side of the knee is primarily composed of this type of connective tissue.

What is fibrous connective tissue?


This position of the knee joint, where bony congruence and ligament tautness are maximal, is known as the close-packed position.

What is full extension?


This ligament connects the menisci to each other anteriorly.

What is the transverse ligament?


The primary restraint of the Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) is this type of stress.

What is varus stress?

This bursa, located between the tendon of the popliteus muscle and the lateral femoral condyle, helps prevent friction during knee movement.

What is the subpopliteal bursa?


This part of the retinaculum includes the lateral patellofemoral ligament and runs from the IT band to the patella.

What is the lateral retinaculum?


This type of tissue lines the inner surface of the knee joint capsule, secretes synovial fluid, and provides nutrition to avascular structures.

What is the synovial membrane?


The anterior horn of the lateral meniscus shares a common tibial insertion site with this ligament.

What is the ACL?


The ACL attaches proximally at this aspect of the lateral femoral condyle.

What is the posteromedial aspect?


When the knee is in flexion, this bursa is compressed, forcing fluid posteriorly.

What is the suprapatellar bursa?


The patellar retinaculae are formed from these structures that help reinforce the knee joint capsule.

What are the tendons and ligaments of the quadriceps and patella?


Persistent folds in the synovial membrane that may cause pain and effusion if inflamed are called this.

What is a plica?


The posterior horn of the medial meniscus is attached to this ligament.

What is the PCL?


The Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) primarily restrains this type of tibial translation.

What is posterior tibial translation?


This fat pad lies deep to the patellar tendon and is separated from the deep infrapatellar bursa by the fat pad itself.

What is the infrapatellar (Hoffa’s) fat pad?


This fibrous tissue prevents medial displacement and anteromedial tilt of the patella. 

What is the lateral retinaculum?


These mechanoreceptors within the joint capsule contribute to muscular stabilization of the knee by initiating reflex-mediated muscular responses.

What are nociceptors, Pacinian corpuscles, and Ruffini corpuscles?


Removal of this structure can multiply stress on the tibial plateau by six to seven times, increasing the risk of degenerative changes.

What is the meniscus?


The anterior tibial translation and tibial internal rotation are primarily restrained by the LCL in the absence of this ligament.

What is the ACL?


The infrapatellar fat pad is located between this tendon and the tibial tuberosity, helping to reduce friction.

What is the patellar tendon?


This fibrous tissue prevents lateral displacement and lateral tilt of the patella.

What is the medial retinaculum?