The story of God’s promise of salvation fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
New Testament
An itemized series of names, words, etc. usually recorded in a set order.
This truth tells us right from wrong.
Moral Truth
One of the male founders of the ancient Hebrew families in the Bible.
There are _____ books in the Old Testament.
(Hebrew Scriptures) tells the story of God’s saving action towards all humanity from the creation of the world to the Hebrew people.
Old Testament
A rule of conduct, moral principle, etc.
This type of truth makes up most of the Bible.
Religious Truth
Meaning “good news”. The Good News of what God has done in and through Jesus.
The word "Bible" means:
A divine influence upon human beings as that resulting in the writing of the Scriptures.
Short allegorical stories told to bring out a moral or religious truth.
Much of the Bible, especially the Wisdom books, is this kind of folksy truth.
Proverbial Truth
A binding and solemn agreement made by two or more individuals that cannot be broken.
There are _____ books in the Bible.
While there are minor errors in Scriptures in terms of dates, names, etc., there is NO ERROR in the message.
A traditional story which tells us about a sacred truth or reality.
This truth requires us to read between the lines and discover the truth being presented.
Symbolic Truth
The Greek term means “one sent out.”
The 3 types of history in the Bible are:
Oral, written, edited
Stories told, songs sung, history recounted and memorized.
Oral History
Prose or a poetic statement or maxims for instruction.
This truth requires us to read through the limitations of the Bible to find what the writer was trying to get across.
Scientific Truth
Understanding the event and its significance in Christ.
Another name for the first 5 books of the Bible.
Pentateuch or Torah