In winter some animals sleep What is that called
At what temperature fahrenheit does water boil
212 F
This cat is recognized by tufts of hair on its ears and a short bobbed tail. It also has a mane of fur around its face.
Siberian Lynx
The main Disney character
Who is Micky mouse
"You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear
And if I heard you, which I don't" What is the song double if you know the movie it is from
Into the unknown Frozen 2
What do snowmen eat for breakfast
Frosted flakes
What are three Ingredients in hot chocolate
Possible answers: Chocolate powder, Water/milk, marshmallows, whipped cream
This cat can be identified by a pattern of irregular patches along its back as well as stripes and spots over its body.
Clouded leopard
Which Disney Princess is based on a real person
what is this song "It's time to try defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you can't pull me down"
You lose most of your body heat from this part of your body
the head
What well known cooking/baking ingredient is a living organism
This is the largest living cat.
Siberian Tiger
The number of Cinderella movies made by Disney
What is 4
what is the song "Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends
Beauty and the beast
What is the winter solstice
The shortest day of the year (in the continental US)
Another way to make measure 1\4 cup
4 tablespoons
This big cat is the fastest land animal.
What Disney film was the last to use a traditional animation process? (hint: the movie stars a princess)
The Little Mermaid
what is this song "Ooh, bet you're thinking, "She's so cool
Kicking back on your couch, making eyes from across the room" double points for sing writer
that's so true Gracie Abrams
Where is the coldest place on earth
How long is the world's largest cake (feet)
Over 100 ft long
Unfortunately, this is a critically endangered big cat. It has a pale colored coat which helps it hide in snowy conditions.
Amur leopard
How many times has the Disney company changed its official name
(Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio --> The Walt Disney Studio --> Walt Disney Pictures --> The Walt Disney Company)
Your beauty is beyond compare With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green Your smile is like a breath of spring what is this song
Jolene Dolly parton