This food item shape of Illinois sold on eBay for $1,350.
What is a Corn Flake
This causes the most power outages in the United States
What are Squirrels
This person owns all the Swans in England
Who is the Queen?
This device used in executions was invented by a dentist
What is an Electric Chair
This candy was originally created to help smokers quit smoking
What are Pez
A human can swim through the veins of what animal
What is a Blue Whale?
This animal product was used as bandages in ancient Greece and Rome
What are Spider Webs
This was originally invented for judges to hide their facial expressions in court
What are sunglasses?
What is the fear of knees
This Sesame Street Muppet's real name is Sid
The members of this sport make babies cry for good luck
What is Sumo Wrestling
This song plays when you drive over the grooves in the pavement on Route 66
What is America the Beautiful
This item that you may not know Mrs. K is absolutely obsessed with was originally designed to be used as wall paper
What is bubble wrap
The fear of the color purple
Doing this helps cows produce more milk
What is playing music
What is another name for your nieces and nephews
This breakfast cereal is multicolored, but all colors have the same flavor
What are Froot Loops?
This is where Queen Elizabeth II's cows slept
Where is on Water Beds?
What is The fear of teenagers
This is the closest living relative to the Tyrannosaurus Rex
What is a chicken
In this state, it is illegal to swear in front of a dead person
Where is Utah
This man was fired from a newspaper job for a lack of imagination and having no good ideas
Who was Walt Disney?
This was banned from being able to be sent by the post office after one was mailed in Idaho for 53 cents
What was a child? they were four years old. hahah
What is the fear of beards