TV Show
Movie Characters
TV Show Characters

This movie takes place in a magical kingdom with a princess, two brothers, and a big evil turtle. What is the name of this movie?

Super Mario


In this show, there are two boys who love to prank and make comic books, but their principal doesn't like them. What is the name of this TV show?

Captin Underpants 


You can touch me, but I can’t touch you back. You can see me, but I only reflect you and can never reject you. What am I?

A mirror 


This character has horns, sharp teeth, and blue with pinkish spots. What is the name of this character?

Sully from Monster inc


This character has a Magic school bus and many different dresses. What is the name of this TV character?



In this movie, there is a rat that loves to cook and a man who needs a job. What is the name of this movie?


This TV show takes place in a town named Elmore. there is a family of cats, bunnies, and a fish. What is the name of this TV show?

Amazing world of gumball live


I am always running, but never get tired or sweat. What am I?

The refrigerator


This character is a princess and lives in a magic kingdom. What is the name of this Character?

Princess peach


This character lives under the sea and works at a restaurant. What is the name of this character?

Squidward from spongebob


This movie takes place in the past where there are no cars, no phones, no fast food. There is a family that lives to survive but things change over time.  what is the name of this movie?

The Croods!


In this movie, there is a family of super heros. Their suits are the colors blue, orange, and yellow. What is the name of this TV show?

The Thundermans


I can be open or closed, or big or small. I can reveal the truth or hide it. I am almost always welcome and can spring up unannounced. Everyone has one, but not everyone shares. Laughter comes after me. What am I?

A Smile


This character is a Kung Fu warrior that lives in China. What is the name of this character? 

Po/Kung Fu Panda


This character is in a superhero family. This character is very fast. What is the name of this character?

Barb from Thundermans


In this movie, there is a villain with many henchmen and a VERY BIG plan to steal something no one else thought to steal. What is the name of this movie?

Despicable Me


This TV show takes place in a very mysterious place. There are many different kinds of fairytale creatures, and there are twin siblings that stay there for the summer. What is the name of this TV show?

Gravity Falls


I am made to absorb, and I can hold liquid even though I’m full of holes. What am I?

A sponge


This character runs very very verrrryyy fast with His red shoes. what is the name of this character?

Sonic the Hedgehog


This character lives in a tree house with two other characters. They love to have fun, go on adventures, and eat together. What is the name of this character?

BMO from adventure time


This movie takes place in space and earth. It is the future with many robots. But there is one robot that stays on earth. What is the name of this movie?



In this TV show, there is a family of dogs. They have many adventures. What is the name of this TV show?



What has legs, but doesn’t walk?

A table


This character is from another planet he is a villain. He has a minion that needs water to live. 

Mega Mind


This character sings many nursery rhymes with his family and friends. What i the name of this character?

JJ from cocomelon