who was the first president of SSmaker
who is the SS unicorn
a very popular 3am youtuber
who is jester
MM.maker has what form of government
what is Monarchy
this lunchroom sign sparked "diary soup".
what is daily soup
This mascot is a reboot of the OG stick
who is the new SS stick
there are three SS phrases: "serving plibs ribs and memes since 2018" "hail the orange" and what?
what is "hot slide potato"
an adaptation of slide 222 on mm. is what?
MM.maker was originally a SS recovery slideshow during what?
what is the blank png crises
this inspiring Lunch sign says nothing will work unless _____
what is "you do"
this mascot (or unappetizing meal) has it's own slide show.
What is diary soup?
slide 86 is an example of true SS purity built of an little alchemy screenshot what does it say?
what is "armadillo ANTarctica"
this MM. meme won "best MM. meme"
what is "did you mean Look Daad"
The current MM. title reads what?
what is "anti DuckDuckGo"
the worst lunch you can get is this
what is a dog food rib hogie with mixed in packing peanuts
true/false i have depression
The original slideshow made by Henry was titled what?
what is Tro-Lo-Lo
the bottom stripe on an american flag is what color?
what is red
The king of MM. is who?
Who is Meme Series
lunchroom has how many letters in it?
what is 9
the MM. mascot "ketchup girl is also known by this name.
what is Lady Gaga
The two worst mascots SS has to offer are Toast Malone and who?
who is walking creature
what does this code mean: tphooiunstasn
thousan points
MM.maker has how many slides (rounded to nearest 100)
the lunchroom has a peanuts free table with this sign
what is "peanut fire, danger zone"
what was the first ever (non title) slide on SS
The current 6th slide