what is the square root of 36 divided by 3 then multiplied by 3 then divided by 6
wasnt that fun
does fun land have food
if you make it to fun world
what makes fun land so fun?
it never ends
how hot is the core of the sun?
27,000,000 Fahrenheit
math is the study of _____
A - the study of structure, order, and relationships between quantities, shapes, and patterns
B - boooring
C - math is fun!
who said math was fun?
what is fun land inspired by?
A - mickey mouse land
B - supa mario land
C - the beaches of normany
are you stuck here?
fun land is ___
A - fun
B - boring
C - dope
A - fun
if you chose B you lose a fun coin!
how long does light take to travel to earth from the sun?
8 minutes
what makes things fun?
is math fun?
no anything involving school is mostly boring
who is the celebrity of fun land
fun man
who is king of funland?
how many numbers before 1 thousand contain the letter A?
heh trick question, none
where is fun land in real life?
A - america
B - earth
C - fun land
where else would it be, fun land, duhhhhh
what does this character mean?: Σ
are games allowed in fun land
why did the chicken cross the road (simple)
to get to the other side
where is home?
fun land
are you bored?
what's so fun about fun land
its fun
is funland like heaven
no the opposite
why is fun land fun?