Who is David
A Shepard who killed Goliath
Who died on the cross
Jesus Christ
How many Fruits of the Holy Spirit are there?
In what form of the Holy Spirit came to Jesus' Disciples on Pentecost?
Tounges of Fire
Who is James
The Brother of Jesus
What is Church
A community of people who believe in Jesus and obey his words
How many Disciples of Jesus are there?
how many days was Jesus in the desert before his death
40 days
Yes or No: Minor lies are Mortal sin
Who is Saint Stephan
1st Martyr of the Church
What is Sin
Violation of Gods Commandments
How many gifts of the Holy Spirit are there
Which what is a mass that is required to go to
holy day of obligation
Which is worse: Mortal sin or Venial Sin
Mortal sin
True or False: Jesus fell for the Devil's temptation
How many sacraments are there?
What are the types of sin
Venial and Mortal
True or False: We receive Bread and Wine at Holy Communion.
False we receive the body and blood of christ
what is the sacrament of holy orders
becoming a priest
what do we receive at comunion
Blood of Christ and the Eucharist
When was the 1st Mass
Last supper
what color does the priest wear during the tridium
True or false: You can be baptized in any age
what color does the priest wear during advent
What are the Sacraments of initition
baptism, communion, confirmation