Human Body

This mammal can hold their breath longer than dolphins.

What is a sloth?

Dolphins need to come up for air every 10 minutes, but by slowing their hart rate, sloths can actually hold their break for 40 minutes. 


This part of the Human Body is the only part that cannot heal itself

What are Teeth


You can see these 4 states from Chicago's Willis Tower/ 

What are Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin?


This condiment used to be sold as a medicine.

What is ketchup?

Back in 1834, people with indigestion were given a prescription for the condiment.


This animal has a 30 times higher chance of getting struck by lightning than humans.

What are Giraffes?


This crustacean's heart is in it's head. 

What is a shrimp?


This item can increase bacteria in your ears.

What are Headphones


This is the only planet that spins clockwise.

What is Venus?


This Thanksgiving seasoning is a hallucinogen.

What is Nutmeg?

Because it contains myristicin, a natural compound that has mind-altering effects, you can experience hallucinations if you ingest large quantities nutmeg.


This is the name of the blob of toothpaste on your toothbrush.

What is a nurdle?


Switzerland prohibits the owenership of just one of these.

What is a guinea pig?

Since guinea pigs are such social creates, one guinea pig would get only so having just one is considered animal abuse in Switzerland.


You can't do this while you are pinching your nose.

What is humming?


This monument gets taller in the summer.

What is the Eiffel Tower?

Due to thermal expansion when the iron heats up it can be up to 6 inches (15 centimeters) taller. 


This popular candy bar once came in three flavors, but due to the rationing during WWII, they had to cut down to one. 

What is a 3 Muskateers?

The original candy from the 1930s had three different kinds of nougat: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry (hence the name!). Unfortunately, it had to be cut down to one during World War II due to rations being too expensive.


This alphabetic letter was the last one added to the English alphabet.

What is the letter "J"?

It dates back to 1524. Shockingly, before it became a letter, the letter “i” was used for both “i” and “j” sounds!


This animals heartbeat can be detected up to 2 miles away.

What is a blue whale?

And their hearts weigh almost 400 pounds!


This type of cell outnumbers the human cells in our bodies.

What are bacterial cells?

Bacterial cells outnumber the number of human cells in our bodies. Research has found that the average human is around 56% bacteria.


This the only state name with only one syllable.

What is Maine?


This candy is named after their creators.

Who are Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie?


John Quincy Adams had this unusual animal as a pet.

What is an alligator?

After receiving the gift from a French general, the alligator was kept in one of the White House bathtubs.


This animals eye is bigger than it's brain.

What is an ostrich?


This is the part of the body that is constantly eating itself. 

What is the brain?

Called phagocytosis, this process allows cells to envelop and consume smaller cells or molecules to remove them from the system. It might sound a little scary, but it’s a good thing since it helps our brains preserve gray matter!


These five country's national anthems have no words. They are Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo, and San Mario, and this country. 

What is Spain?

The “Marcha Real” is one of only four national anthems in the world (along with those of Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo, and San Marino) to have no official lyrics.


This nut is part of the peach family.

What is an almond?

Almonds are not true nuts but rather something called “drupes.”


This is the number of ways to make change for a dollar.

What is 293?