How many categories are in the healthy food pyramid
what is 7
What is the mascot of Purdue University
What is the Boilermakers!!!
What candy was inpired by Cabbage Patch Kids
What is Sour Patch Kids
Who is SpongeBob's best friend?
How many quarts in 1 gallon
What is 4.
Every_____ years the Olympics are held.
Which candy bar has the same name as our galaxy?
Where does SpongeBob live?
in a pineapple under the sea
Is a cucumber a vegetable or fruit?
Who won the World Series (MLB) last year?
Who is the Houston Astros
What red and white striped candy is popular at Christmas time?
What is the capital of Vermont?
What instrument does Squidward play?
What ingredients make a roux?
What is Germany
Where does SpongeBob work?
Are tomatoes a vegetable or a fruit?
What country has won the Most World Cups, mens and womens combined?
What is Germany (4 men, 2 women)
Which candy company is the largest producer of chocolate in the United States?
Hershey's food corporation
What color are SpongeBob’s eyes?