4 Functions of Behavior
Schedules of Reinforcement
4 Consequences of Behavior
ABC Data

A student doesn't want to play, he is just standing in the block area. You try and engage him in play by modeling how to build with the blocks. He runs under the table screaming and throwing blocks at you. You ignore him and the teacher rings the bell. He moves on to the next activity. The next day you try again to engage him with the blocks and he engages in the same behavior. What is the possible function of his behavior?

What is escape.


Continuous reinforcement for every correct response/target behavior

What is Fixed Ration



A high five after answering the question correctly. 

What is an example of positive reinforcement?


This method involves recording the Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence to analyze behavioral patterns.

What is ABC data collection?


Your student started running in a circle around the classroom. He always does this. You start chasing him around the room and he looks back at you laughing. What is the possible function of behavior?

What is attention.


Sally is given a token after the following correct responses:

1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3

What is Variable Ration 



A student gets a homework pass after completing all their classwork for the day.

What is negative reinforcement


This term refers to what happens before a behavior occurs, often setting the stage for that behavior.

What is an antecedent?


Harold is a student in your classroom who loves playing with light up toys. His favorite toy is a light up spinner. Harold comes in one day and Johnny is playing with the light up spinner. Harold runs over and takes the spinner from Johnny. You tell Harold, "No, you cannot have that right now, give it back to Johnny. Harold throws the toy across the room and flops to the floor screaming. What is the possible function of Harold's behavior?

What is denied access to tangible.


Sammy is sitting in class without engaging in any problem behavior. His aide provides reinforcement after every three minutes, two minutes, five minutes, and three minutes.  

What is Variable Interval

(VI:3 min)


A student receives extra math problems to complete after being disruptive during a lesson.

What is positive punishment. 


This term describes what follows a behavior, which can increase or decrease the likelihood of that behavior happening again.

What is a consequence?


You are outside on the playground with your class. You notice that one of your students is standing alone on the playground jumping up and down and laughing. What might be the possible function of his behavior?

What is automatic.


John is given a break after every 15 minutes of sitting correctly in chair.

What is Fixed Interval

(FI:15 minutes)


A student loses Ipad time for not following classroom rules.

What is negative punishment. 


A student is praised by the teacher after answering a question correctly in class.

What is an example of a consequence?


While eating lunch Harold starts calling Johnny stupid. As Johnny keeps eating Harold gets louder and starts laughing. What is the possible function if his behavior?

What is attention.


A strategy that involves providing reinforcement when a specific undesired behavior does not occur for a specified period of time.

What is Differential Reinforcement of Other behavior (DRO)?


Increases the future likelihood of a behavior occurring.

What is reinforcement 

(Positive OR Negative)


A bell rings, signaling the end of recess, and a student begins to run back to class.

What is an example of an antecedent?