What is the first component of a Lesson Frame?
Component 1 The learning objective comes from the TEKS. What will we be learning today and what process will we use to learn it? Example: We will construct circle graphs.
The We will and I will statements are the activity we are doing today. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE! The We will and I will statements are what will we be learning today how will we learn it.
What is the second component of a Lesson Frame?
Component 2 The closing question or task. This is how the student shows they learned the material in the last few minutes of class. Example: I will tell my partner why I have to rename a mixed number.
The We will and I will statements should include all the words from the TEKS. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE The We will and I will statements must be written using student friendly language and must not include all the words from the TEKS. However, it needs to include the VERB!