Which health care organization requires a Primary Care Physician for ALL referrals?
what is HMO (health maintenance org)
Verification that educational programs meet minimum accreditation standards is done by
The purpose of covering OR attire when leaving the operating room suite is
to minimize cross-contamination between the OR and other areas of the hospital
Otorhinolaryngology is the study of
ear, nose, and throat
The gallbladder is located below the liver or
What organization acts as both an insurer and a provider of medical services?
Which stage of group development consist of clarification, handling personality conflicts and providing information?
It is considered good technique to (handling masks)
handle masks only by the strings
A medication that prevents blood clots is called a/an
the involuntary contraction of the eyelid.
Which entity accredits ST programs?
your coworker directly sabotage your set up and doesn't communicate the information needed for the procedure, this is a form of what type of abuse?
When a staff member leaves the OR suite, the lab coat worn over OR attire should be
clean, closed, and knee length
Osteoarthritis is
inflammation of bone and joint
The heart muscle was damaged during the heart attack, you realize _________part of the heart was the area of concern.
When was the first national certifying exam for the ST offered?
DEC 1970
correcting work habits and raising awareness which is known as
The only personnel allowed in the restricted area of a operating room are
authorized personnel in proper OR attire
The surgical removal of the lacrimal sac is called
The surgeon is performing a procedure where he is removing an ovarian cyst, otherwise known as
A professional organization dedicated to the improvement of surgical care by elevating standards of surgical edu and practices
American College of Surgeons
List All 7 Principles for effective communication
Clear, Concise, Concrete,Correct,Coherent,Complete,Courteous
Good general health and personal cleanliness of personnel in the OR are an important of:
Standard Precautions
An artificial opening of the common bile duct is called
The surgeon makes a paramedian incision, which means
beside the midline