Framework used to structure nursing care
What is the nursing process
What are closed ended questions
The most reliable diagnostic measurement of pain
What is the client's report
thin, decreased strength, moisture, and elasticity
What are aging effect on skin
Cornerstone for health promotion
What is education
Initial, Focused, Ongoing
What is the Assessment
Standing on business
What is assertive communication
What is without a fever (normal body temp)
malnutrition, fluid deficit, impaired mobility
What are risk factors for impaired tissue integrity
complete physical, mental, and social well-being
What is health
Using problem solving, clinical judgement, and critical thinking skills to select therapeutic interventions
What is Implementation
What is SBAR
Fever, exercise, pain, stress, medications
What is tachycardia
Inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues
What is cellulitis
the most consistent predictor of life expectancy
What is socioeconomic status?
Ineffective airway clearance
What is diagnosis
Promotes understanding and builds relationships
What is therapeutic communication
Dizziness, palpitations, blurred vision, fatigue
What are signs of hypotension
wound margins are well approximated
What is primary intention
One of the most effective primary interventions for
What are vaccinations
Working with clients to identify goals and outcomes
What is planning
Unexpected, occurs during an episode of care
What is a sentinel event
Rapid, deep breathing at a consistent pace
What is Kussmaul respirations
Promote wound healing by removing debris
What is the goal of wound cleansing
optimize the management of a condition and minimize complications
What is tertiary prevention?