
It is a situation in which a decision must be made between two opposing alternatives when there is not an exact right or wrong answer. Decisions are not made with one’s emotions or feelings but are based on principles and logical reasoning. you will need to examine your feelings about life, death, health, disease, spirituality, and religion.

What is an ethical dilemma?


This drug administration route is a method of applying a drug to the skin using a patch. The drug is absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream for a systemic effect. This route delivers a slow, constant dose of medication.

What is the transdermal route?


Oxygen supports this process that will cause any fire to burn faster and hotter.

What is combustion?


It is the gathering of information through signs and symptoms, patient history, and both subjective and objective findings. Just as a health-care provider gathers information by performing a physical examination and a patient history, the nurse gathers information about the patient through asking questions (interviewing), performing a head-to-toe assessment, and reviewing laboratory and diagnostic tests.

What is an assessment?


This is a late sign of hypoxia that requires immediate action and notifying the health-care provider.

What is cyanosis?


These are the  five rights of delegation established by  National Council of State Boards of Nursing  in 1997.

What is:

The right task, under the right circumstances, to the right person, with the right directions and communication, under the right supervision and evaluation


When giving insulin, injection sites should be rotated to achieve the following.

What is "establish consistent blood insulin levels and reduce the risk of tissue damage, which will affect absorption."


This is an open drain where the drainage is absorbed by the dressing.

What is a penrose drain?


When you gather information regarding a patient, your data will fall into one of these two categories.

What is  objective or subjective?


 This involves assisting the patient into different positions to encourage the drainage of mucus out of the lungs. It also involves using percussion to help loosen pooled mucus.

What is Chest Physical Therapy (CPT)?


This is patient-centered communication. The goal of which is to promote a greater understanding of a patient’s needs, concerns, and feelings.

What is therapeutic communication?


When removing an IV cannula you do not apply pressure over the cannula itself or you can dislodge the cannula from the hub and free it to migrate through the vascular system as an__________.

What is an  embolism?


These are both active drains that operate on the suction principle.

What are Hemovac and Jackson-Pratt drains?


Passing several liquid or watery stools per day .

What is diarrhea?


This happens when oxygen levels in the blood drop below normal range and cnnot take adequate amount of oxygen to the tissues during internal respiration, causing hypoxia.

What is hypoxemia?


This style of communication is characterized by the desire to avoid confrontation and the inability to share feelings or needs with others. Individuals with this behavior style have trouble asking for help and allow others to take advantage of them, resulting in feelings of anger, emotional pain, and anxiety.

What is passive or avoidant?


It occurs when an unintended outcome of a drug takes place.

What is a side effect?


 98% of this cation in confined in the ICF helps regulate fluid balance, 2% in ECF is important for neuromuscular functions, especially for the heart’s contractility and rhythm.

What is potassium?


This bowel sound occurs more than 30 per minute or continuous and may be heard when the patient has diarrhea.

What are hyperactive bowel sounds?


In a chest drainage system it is not unusual to see the water level rise as the patient inhales and to fall as the patient exhales in. This motion observed in the water seal chamber (chamber 2) will stop when the lung has reinflated.

What is tidaling?


This means performing procedures in such a way that no pathogens will enter the patient’s body when you insert tubes or give injections.

What is sterile technique? 


It is a more severe drug reaction that is life-threatening. It causes swelling of the airways, shortness of breath, respiratory arrest, decreased blood pressure, and eventually circulatory collapse.

What is an anaphylactic reaction?


This cation controls fluid osmolality and volume of blood. Stimulates conduction of electrical impulses along nerves and works with calcium to regulate muscle contraction.

What is sodium?


It is defined as urinary output of less than 30 mL per hour. It can be caused by decreased fluid intake, dehydration, illness, urinary obstruction, or renal failure. It may also be caused by hemorrhage or by severe loss of body fluids.

What is oliguria?


If the negative pressure in the pleural cavity is disrupted, the lungs can no longer fully expand. This causes dyspnea, chest pain, hypoxia, and respiratory distress. It may be due to secretions obstructing the airways or traumatic injuries that penetrate the chest wall, for example, gunshot or stab wounds. This device is placed to reestablish the negative pressure within the pleural space, also known as the pleural cavity.

What is a chest tube?


This acronym will help you respond if the fire is in your area or you are the one to discover a fire. You must remember the acronym  and follow each letter.

What is RACE?


It comes from the Latin word for “bloody” and means “containing blood.” It refers to red, bloody drainage.

What is sanguineous?


This transfusion reaction is related to decreased cardiac output or transfusion rate too rapid, or patient was at risk for fluid excess.

What is circulatory overload?


When assessing the BP in some patients with hypertension, you may hear a 30 mm Hg “gap” in the Korotkoff sounds. This silence and the return of sounds is known as an ____________.

What is an  auscultatory gap?


This oxygen delivery device prevents the patient from rebreathing any exhaled air; it escapes through a one-way valve that does not allow room air to enter. The bag traps oxygen as a reservoir for inhalation; only delivery device that can provide 100% oxygen when set at 15 L/min.

What is a nonrebreathing mask


In order to prevent injury, restrainsts are checked and removed based on these time intervals.

What is, check the patient every 30 minutes and remove the restraint every 2 hours?


This type of drainage  is seen when both blood and clear drainage are present. Combined, they turn dressing materials a pink color.

What is serosanguineous?


These drugs are known to deplete serum portassium.

What are loop diuretics?


It is the inability to maintain breathing while sleeping; the patient usually snores, accompanied by periods of apnea lasting from 10 seconds to 2 minutes; can be life-threatening.

What is sleep apnea?


This oxygen delivery device contains a plastic valve between the tubing from the oxygen source and the mask, which allows a precise mix of room air and oxygen to equal a specific percentage of oxygen. The dial on the valve (or interchangeable adapter) indicates the liter flow to use to equal a specific percentage of oxygen. This gives more exact control of inspired oxygen, especially for patients with COPD.

What is a venturi mask?


This therapeutic communication technique utilizes pauses or silence for up to several minutes without verbalizing. An example would be sitting quietly and waiting for the patient to explore thoughts and feelings.

What is "using silence"?


This type of bath may be done in bed or with the patient sitting up in a chair. The patient participates as much as he or she is able. If the patient becomes fatigued or short of breath, or develops pain, the nursing staff finishes whatever the patient cannot reach or complete.

What is assisted or help bath?


This procedure requires drawing blood from the artery to measure the pH, the partial pressures of oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2), the bicarbonate level (HCO3–), and the oxygen saturation (SaO2) of arterial blood.

What is an ABG?


This is a middle point of the body, below the umbilicus and above the pubis, around which the body’s mass is distributed.

What is your center of gravity?


These sensors in the brain cause an increase in the rate and depth of respirations in response to changes in blood pH.

What are chemoreceptors?