Urinary System

failing to perform an act that a nurse is expected to do. This can be an act of omission or commission

What is negligence


this is a reflection of the nurses concern for others welfare and well being. The nurse demonstrates understanding of cultures, beliefs, and perspectives of others. The nurse advocates for patients, esp the most vulnerable. The nurse takes risks on behalf of the patient and colleagues. Mentors other professionals.

What is Altruism


Stage where infant uses mouth as the major source of gratification. Pleasure is experienced from chewing, sucking, biting, eating

What is Freud's Oral stage (0 to 18 months)


patient develops a UTI after insertion of a foley catheter

What is CAUTI- catheter associated UTIs


bacteria that does not require oxygen to live and grow

What is anaerobic bacteria

a written document for a procedure to be performed, and signed by the patient or the person who is legally responsible for the patient.
What is informed consent
Occurs when the nurse knows the right thing to do but either personal or institutional factors make it difficult to follow the correct course of action.
What is ethical distress

Piaget's stage where child between ages of 7-11 years of age has logical thinking skills, relations between numbers, aware of external events

What is Piaget's concrete operational stage


5.5 inch to 6 and ΒΌ inch long and consists of 3 parts: prostatic, membranous and the cavernous portions

What is the male urethra


area becomes red, tender, swelling and painful often accompanied with a fever.

What is an infection

defines criminal actions such as murder, manslaughter, criminal negligence theft, and illegal possession of drugs.
What is criminal law
systematic study of principles of right and wrong conduct, virtue, good/evil. The ability to make ethical decisions and act in an ethical manner begins in childhood and matures as one ages.
What is ethics

Erikson's stage where the preschooler seeks out learning, experiences, and explores new opportunities. If child grows up with too many restrictions or reprimands the child may experience guilt for wanting to learn and may hesitate learning new things

What is initiative vs guilt


Medication that turns urine orange to orange-red in color

What is pyridium


A patient is admitted to hospital for toe surgery. Patient is on a unit where patients have c-diff. Day of discharge, patient becomes ill and is diagnosed with c-diff.

What is an HAI, hospital acquired infection- nosocomial infection

verbally threatening to restrain a patient or do something against their will.
What is assault
term used to describe "do no harm" or avoid causing harm
What is Non-maleficence

Levinson's phase of adulthood ages 20-28 is a period of time that is built on previous decisions and choices and time to try different careers and lifestyles. Time to enter 30 years of age where a person can feel uneasy and something is missing in their life

What is Levison's Major phases in adulthood, entering the adult world


Urinary diversion which the bladder is removed, and the ureters are attached to a section of small intestines to create a stoma. Patient wears a urine bag.

What is an ileal conduit

type of isolation that requires patient to be in a negative air pressurized room to prevent spread of disease.
What is airborne precautions
The most important act affecting your nursing practice. Each state has its own rulesthat protects the public by broadly defining the legal scope of practice
What is the Nursing Practice Act
actions benefit the patient
What is Beneficence

Erikson's stage where young adults unite self identity with identities of friends and make commitments to each other. Fear can result in isolation & loneliness

What is intimacy vs isolation


Medication that has side effect of turning urine brown or black.

What is Levodopa


most effective way to prevent spread of bacteria

What is hand hygiene