Tissue Integrity
Sensory perception
Fundamental concepts

The primary fuel source

what is Carbohydrates?


A device that helps relieve urinary retention

what is a Urinary Catheter


color of patients who are Jaundice

what is yellow


communicating with a patient who has a hearing impairment

what is standing directly in front of the patient, on the same level and in good light when possible


position needed for a patient experiencing oxygen deficit

what is fowlers position


What are micronutrients?

what is Vitamins & Minerals


a bladder analgesics that treats manifestations of UTI that is NOT an antibiotic

What is phenazopyridine? 


Every _____ hours due you reposition to prevent skin breakdown

what is 2


which type of sensory impaired client would benefit from having a service dog

what is a visually impaired client


 information obtained from the pt perspective. Document as direct quotes, using quotations, or summarize and identify statement was made by pt

what is subjective data


Nurse recommends to the patient to intake more _____ post surgery to help with tissue repair?

what is Protein


to eat to re-establish an intestinal balance of beneficial bacteria after diarrhea stops

what is yogurt


the primary cause of pressure ulcers

what is restricted mobility


nursing actions taken for patients who have hearing loss

what is to sit & face the patient, avoid covering mouth while speaking, speak slowly & clearly, minimize background noise


Components of the focus pain assessment

What is OPQRST- onset, provocation, quality, region, severity, time  ?


Dry/brittle hair & nails, Prominent protrusions in bony areas,Flaccid muscles, Poor posture

What are signs of malnutrition?


actions the nurse can take when caring for a patient with a urinary catheter

what is to keep the urinary drainage bag below the level of the patients bladder and assess the patient's need for the indwelling urinary catheter daily


Full thickness tissue loss, subcutaneous fat tissue is visible but bone is not exposed

what is stage 3 pressure injury


a sensory disturbance  the nurse assesses in a client with diabetes

what is vison loss


nursing actions to take if a client refuses treatment and leaves against medical advice If a patient refuses treatment, the

what is the patient signs a document(AMA) indicating they understand the risks involved w refusing treatment/procedure and that they have chosen to refuse. 

If patient decides to leave facility without discharge (against medical advice) the nurse notifies the provider and discuss with the patient the risks to expect when leaving the facility prior to discharge


BMI= 170/ 68 (in^2) x 703

How do you calculate the BMI of a patient who's weighs 170 lbs and is 68 inches in height?


nurse teachings of a client who has recurrent UTI

what is urinate after sexual intercourse, clean perineum form front to back, avoid bubble baths


type of dressing would you put on a clean stage III pressure ulcer

what is Hydrocolloid


important nursing interventions to take when communicating and caring for a patient who recently had a stroke? 

what is to allow one person to speak to the patient at a time, let the patient know if they are NOT understood, give the patient plenty of time to respond



Used to recognize and stabilize the clients most critical issues first

What is ABCDE- Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure