patient education

The nurse has become aware of missing narcotics in the patient care area. Which ethical principle obligates the nurse to report the missing medications? 

a. confidentiality

b. responsibility 

c. advocacy 

d. justice 

b. responsibility 


Which entry will require follow-up by the nurse manager?

0800 Patient states, “Fell out of bed.” Patient found lying by bed on the floor. Legs equal in length bilaterally with no distortion, pedal pulses strong, leg strength equal and strong, no bruising or bleeding. Neuro checks within normal limits. States, “Did not pass out.” Assisted back to bed. Call bell within reach. Bed monitor on.--Jane More, RN
0810 Notified primary care provider of patient’s status. New orders received. ---Jane More, RN
0815 Portable x-ray of L hip taken in room. States, “I feel fine.” ---Jane More, RN
0830 Incident report completed and placed on chart.----Jane More, RN

a. 0800

b. 0815

c. 0830

d. 0810 

c. 0830


A nurse uses SBAR when providing a hand-off report to the oncoming shift. What is the rationale for the nurse’s action? 

a. To promote autonomy 

b. To use common courtesy 

c. to establish trustworthiness 

d. to standardize communication 

d. to standardize communication


A nurse is determining if teaching is effective. Which finding best indicates learning has occurred? 

a. A nurse presents information about diabetes. 

b. A patient verbalizes the signs of hypoglycemia 

c. A family member listens to a lecture on diabetes. 

d. The patient takes a diabetes pamphlet home. 

b. A patient verbalizes the signs of hypoglycemia


A student nurse who has not been trained to administer medications is assisting a registered nurse while caring for various patients in the general ward. Which intervention by the student nurse may result in a malpractice lawsuit? 

a. collecting vital signs of a patient 

b. administering a subcutaneous injection 

c. checking the BMI of a patient 

d. Assisting the RN with Enteral nutrition 

b. administering a subcutaneous injection


A nurse is experiencing an ethical dilemma with a patient. What is often the primary cause of ethical dilemmas? 

a. Unequal power 

b. Presence of conflicting values 

c. Judgmental perceptions of patients 

d.Poor documentation  

b. Presence of conflicting values


The patient’s son requests to view documentation in the medical record. What is the nurse’s best response to this request? 

a. “I’ll be happy to get that for you.” 

b. “You are not allowed to look at it.” 

c. “You have to get your mothers permission" 

d. “I cannot let you see the chart without a doctor’s order.” 

c. “You have to get your mothers permission"


Which nontherapeutic communication technique is the nurse using when saying, "Don’t worry; you’ll be fine" to a patient? 

a. demonstrating sympathy 

b. offering false reassurance 

c. giving personal opinions 

d. asking personal questions 

b. offering false reassurance


While preparing a teaching plan, the nurse describes what the learner will be able to accomplish after the teaching session about healthy eating. Which action is the nurse completing? 

a.Developing learning objectives 

b.  Providing positive reinforcement 

c. Presenting facts and knowledge 

d. Implementing interpersonal communication 

a.Developing learning objectives


A nurse is conducting a home visit with an older-adult couple. While in the home the nurse weighs each individual and reviews the 3-day food diary with them. She also checks their blood pressure and encourages them to increase their fluids and activity levels to help with their voiced concern about constipation. The nurse is addressing which level of need according to Maslow? 

a. Safety and security 

b. Love and belonging 

c. Physiological 

d. Self-actualization 

c. Physiological


The family has asked a health care provider to not tell the patient about a cancer diagnosis.  The nurse questions the provider about this decision and discusses why this may not be in the best interest of the patient. What ethical principle is nurse displaying? 

a. advocacy

b. accountability 

c. fidelity 

d. justice 

a. advocacy


Which step of the SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, plan) format documentation reflects the nurse's interpretation of patient data? 

a. Subjective

b. objective

c. Assessment 

d. plan 

c. Assessment


A patient was admitted 2 days ago with pneumonia and a history of angina. The patient is now having chest pain with a pulse rate of 108. Which piece of data will the nurse use for “B” when using SBAR? 

a. oxygen in use

b. pulse rate 108

c. history of angina 

d. having chest pain 

c. history of angina 


A patient learns that a normal adult heartbeat is 60 to 100 beats/min after a teaching session with a nurse. In which domain did learning take place? 

a. psychomotor 

b. Kinesthetic 

c. affective 

d. cognitive

d. cognitive


A 16-year-old patient, dying of heart failure, wants to have organs removed for transplantation after death. Which action by the nurse is correct? 

a. Instruct the patient to talk with parents about the desire to donate organs. 

b. Notify the health care provider about the patient’s desire to donate organs. 

c. Prepare the organ donation form for the patient to sign while still oriented. 

d.Contact the United Network for Organ Sharing after talking with the patient. 

. Instruct the patient to talk with parents about the desire to donate organs.


Which action is the best example of practicing patient advocacy? 

a. Seeking out the nursing supervisor in conflicting procedural situations 

b. documenting all clinical changes in the record in a timely manner 

c. working to understand the law as it applies to standards of care

d. assessing the patient's point of view and preparing to describe it 

d. assessing the patient's point of view and preparing to describe it


Which action reflects how medical insurance companies use documentation of a patient’s health information? 

a. provide preventative care to the patient 

b. determine payment of reimbursement for services 

c. reduce the costs of the monthly premiums

d. decrease the cost of healthcare services provided to the patient 

b. determine payment of reimbursement for services


When making rounds, the nurse finds a patient who is not able to sleep because of surgery in the morning. Which therapeutic response is most appropriate? 

a. “You will be okay. Your surgeon will talk to you in the morning.”         

b. “Why can’t you sleep? You have the best surgeon in the hospital.”     

c. “Don’t worry. The surgeon ordered a sleeping pill to help you sleep.” 

d. “It must be difficult not to know what the surgeon will find. What can I do to help?”         

“It must be difficult not to know what the surgeon will find. What can I do to help?”        


During which step of the teaching process does the nurse determine the outcomes of teaching and measure a patient’s level of achievement of learning objectives? 

a. evaluation 

b. implementation 

c. assessment

d. planning 

a. evaluation 


When you care for a patient who does not speak English, it is necessary to call on a professional interpreter. Which of the following are proper principles for working with interpreters? (Select all that apply.) 

a. Expect the interpreter to translate your statements exactly how you say it, word-for-word . 

b. If you feel an interpretation is not correct, stop and address the situation directly with the interpreter. 

c. Pace a conversation so there is time for the patient’s response to be interpreted. 

d. Direct your questions to the interpreter. 

e. Ask the patient for feedback and need for clarification at regular intervals. 



Which principle of health ethics refers to the avoidance of harm or hurt? 

a. justice

b. autonomy 

c. beneficence 

d. nonmaleficence 

d. nonmaleficence


A nurse is charting. Which information is critical for the nurse to document? 

a. The patient had a good day with no complaints. 

b. The family is demanding and argumentative. 

c. The patient received a pain medication, Lortab. 

d. The family is poor and had to go on welfare. 

. The patient received a pain medication, Lortab.


During the initial home visit, a home health nurse lets the patient know that the visits are expected to end in about a month. Which phase of the helping relationship is the nurse in with this patient? 

a. Pre Interaction 

b. Orientation 

c. Working 

d. Termination 



A patient who was on chemotherapy is prescribed a new medication, which is available in a prefilled syringe and is given subcutaneously. Which statement by the patient would help the nurse individualize the teaching plan? 

a. I have given subcutaneous injections to my father

b. I was instructed to take this medication the day after chemotherapy 

c. I learned that this medication helps me reduce the risk of infections 

d. a friend of mine was prescribed this medicine. 

a. I have given subcutaneous injections to my father


Which assessment of a patient who is one day postsurgery to repair a hip fracture requires immediate nursing intervention? 

a. Patient complains of being extremely tired 

b. Patient complains of severe pain 30 min after having received pain medication 

c. patient ate 40% of clear liquid breakfast

d. patient oral temp is 98.9F

b. Patient complains of severe pain 30 min after having received pain medication