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Most common fungal infection in the Ohio River Valley. Risk factors are high among persons working in poultry farms, pest control or cave exploration.

What is histoplasmosis

The % of the population that is "exposed" to fungal pathogens?
What is 100%

What is onychomycosis (tinea unguim)


What is the most important tool in diagnosing most infections, including fungal infections?

What is patient history (esp recent travel or activities)


Aspergillus is a mold that can cause invasive pulmonary disease in immunocompromised and critically ill patients, esp those with underlying lung disease.  a 69 year old woman with COPD presents to the ED hypoxia, fever, weakness and is suspected of having Invasive Aspergillosis.  What is the first line treatment she is likely to be given upon admission?

What is Voricoazole (if fails then move to Capsifungin or combination with Amphotericin B) 


Fungal pathogen endemic to the dry, hot southwest

What is coccidioidomycosis


Fungi are encased in a rigid wall comprised mainly of these two components?

What is chitin and glucan


What is aspergillus fumagatis

test used to detect fungal antigen or antibodies in histoplasmosis and coccidioidomycosis
What is a serologic (blood) test

Athlete's foot, caused by tinea pedis, can be painful if left untreated.  What is the most common treatment recommended by doctors?

What are topical steroids (lotrimin)


Culture is still the most common test for definitive diagnosis of a fungal infection. Pathogenic fungi are usually grown on this?

What is Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA)


These are produced by both sexual and asexual replication, are resistant to temperature extremes and chemicals, and can function as allergens.   

What are fungal spores


What is Rhizopus sp.


True or False - a wet prep can detect both live and dead fungal elements, providing a rapid diagnosis in both men and women.

What is FALSE


Most common drug used to treat fungal infections

What is amphotericin B


What is the medical name for the highly contagious fungus that causes a round red or silver ring on the skin or scalp?

What is dermatophytosis (tinea corporis)


Some fungi change their growth patterns from a multicellular hyphal form in the environment to a budding single cell form in tissue.  At 35C to 37C these fungi exist as yeast in tissue, a conversion that appears to be essential for pathogenicity.   What group of fungi is this?

What are dimorphic fungi


What is Sporothrix schenickii


Comorbidity that is at most risk for severe fungal infections

What is HIV-1 infection


A 37 year old woman presents to her PCP with several pink bumps on her arm that have been unsuccessfully treated with over the counter steroid cream.  She noticed a progression of the bumps, noting they seem to be expanding up her arm and getting larger in size. She has an unremarkable medical history, has had no recent travel, and other than gardening in her free time seems to spend most of her time at work as an accountant.  Skin samples suggest she has Sporothricosis.  What is she most likely to be prescribed?

What is Itraconazole for 3-6 mo;  if this fails she will likely be admitted for IV amphotericin B.


Fungus most associated with vaginitis and thrush.

What is candida albicans


Mushrooms can lead to this illness due to accidental ingestion of fungal toxins.

What is mycotoxicosis


What is fusarium solani (blood cuture)

Accurate diagnosis can be made for most fungals by looking at the spheres using this instrument

what is used to treat oral thrush?

What is fluconazole (also good mouth hygiene and can get Nystatin mouthwash)