Vaughn "Gake" Oxley is the undisputed master at making _______
Lealah's original hair colour was:
She was perfect... until she called Big Chungus ______
If you removed Voib juice from Chemical X, you would be left with:
Quand je joue Valorant, vous pouvez vous assurer que je joue Chamber.
David will decide if you succeeded. Told you it was bullshit.
Kaela works at Ungers as a ______
Who invited Minjoon to lunch with the group
Seni(ru) Wassage
Have you done your _____ __________ ____?
Covid Screening Form?
Using _____ and ______, Seni was able to create cooked Ramen noodles at school.
Miso Soup and a Ramen bowl
Day value on which Alex was born + 3 -122
David Givan's Nofrills is owned by these two people.
Darryll, Tracy.
Vaughn and Tristan met at this camp.
Me on my way to ______ _____ ___.
respect you're mom
#1 cause for blindness
Not wearing the goggles in cheaeaeaemistryyyy
Alex ______ _____ Kubarakos
Frederick George
Lealah was once hit on the head by this object, it having been thrown.
David Givan performed in three plays during his time at Louise Arbour French Immersion Public School. These three plays were:
Fame, Bugsy Malone, Mulan
The most famous and critically acclaimed line of Givan memes is that of the ______ ________.
Kitten series
Name three proven side effects to drinking too much monster.
Heart and Blood Vessel problems, Vomiting, Palpitations, Death, Sleep problems, and Seizures
Remy Faucher's Mother's first name
Seni has smuggled this many condoms from the clinic.
Alex Kubarakos was this old when he first played League of Legends.
Who is drippin'?
Samuel Harren
Describe a REDOX reaction.
An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons between two species. An oxidation-reduction reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron. Redox reactions are common and vital to some of the basic functions of life, including photosynthesis, respiration, combustion, and corrosion or rusting.
The answer to the top left question was ___________