The Ham Amendment
Treasure Island
It's All Relatives
Me and Bob Hope
I Ran and I Ran
Kazem's favorite foods. One is prohibited in Islam. The other is not.
What is Ham and Jell-O?
Person with whom Kazem got caught by the police when watching a movie for free.
Who is Kazem's older brother, Muhammad?
In this language, there are many words for siblings, uncles, cousins, and all family in general.
What is Persian/Farsi?
This is one of the traditions that Firoozeh "lost in translation" when coming to America. "It lost all meaning," she said.
What is Nowruz or New Year celebration?
Place where the lure of an "all expense paid trip" almost gets Firoozeh's family in deep trouble.
What is Washington D.C.?
It brought the British to Abadan. Firoozeh describes this natural gift as a "mixed blessing."
What is oil?
Because of this movie, Firoozeh's father "decided that his goal was to find a treasure, something that would alter the course of his life forever."
What is "Treasure Island"
Her beautiful garden is described as a "veritable Disneyland for the olfactory sense."
Who is Aunt Sedigeh?
Firoozeh reasons that because this character does not like Christmas, he must also be a Muslim.
Who is "The Grinch"
People because of whom Firoozeh and her family "ran and ran and ran..."
Who are anti-Shah demonstrators?
First country to exploit Iranian oil.
What is Great Britain
A scholarship that allows outstanding students to come study to the U.S. It was the "treasure" that Firoozeh's father found.
What is a Fulbright Scholarship?
In Uncle Abdullah's library, Firoozeh enjoyed this magazine because "they were small and they arrived in the mail every month from America."
What is Reader's Digest?
Whenever they had free time in Iran, they would visit relatives. When they had free time in America, the did this...
What is watching TV?
Instead of getting beaten up, Firoozeh and her family got on this kind of bus.
What is a bus tour?
This word means "to ban" or "to reject." It lead to a bad economic situation in Iran in the 50s.
What is boycott?
Something Kazem really needed to leave Iran to Texas A&M, as he had never had one before.
What is a passport?
Someone who says “I guess it’s payback time,” after arriving at Firoozeh and her husband's house.
Who is Darius?
At the end of Christmas nights, in Firoozeh's childhood, this man was "bigger than Santa Claus."
Who is Bob Hope?
Firoozeh's father drops these when the demonstrators rushed toward them
What are Iranian flags?
She hated it so much, she would cringe at the mention of jambon.
Who is Firoozeh's mother?
A genius with whom Kazem had a lively conversation about Iran on his trip to New Jersey
Who is Albert Einstein?
A doctor in Iran, he made his family "proud twice" when he became a doctor in America
Who is Uncle Muhammad?
At the annual Bob Hope Christmas specials, he would laugh at all his jokes. Then he would say “What did he say?”
Who is Kazem?
A ruler believed to have been a "puppet" under Western influences without the best interest of his people in mind.
Who is the Shah?