The "best" animal for making top hats sold in Europe.
What is the beaver?
Who did the First Nations people trade with at first?
Who are the French?
What did the Europeans give to the First Nations peoples for the fur?
They gave kettles, pots and pans, swords, knives, and other weapons.
What does HBC stand for?
The Voyageurs
What does "Coureurs des bois" mean?
What is runner of the woods?
What was the land called surrounding the Hudson's Bay?
Rupert's Land
What is the name of the group of people who were not allowed to trade with the First Nations people unless they got permission from the King?
The Coureurs des bois
Why did the Europeans want beaver fur?
The Europeans wanted beaver fur to make hats and clothing out of them.
Another name for trading posts
Why don't we hunt beavers as much anymore?
They became severely overhunted and almost became endangered.
What would happen to the trading posts during winter time? Why?
The trading posts would be empty during the winter because it was cold and the rivers and oceans would freeze, not allowing boats to come into the shore.
These type of jobs included builders, blacksmiths, carpenters, and coopers.
What are tradesmen jobs?
Why did Europeans hunt furs in North America instead of hunting them back in Europe?
Europeans hunted beavers in North America because beavers were almost extinct in Europe.
Who were the two French Coureur des Bois that helped Britain gain control of the Hudson's Bay?
Radisson and Groseillier
How many hours a day did the voyageurs and other fur traders paddle for?
10-12 hours a day.
What year was the Hudson Bay Company Established?
How many years did the fur trading company thrive?
250 years.
What is another word for "depletion" when talking about Beavers and the Fur Trade
Extinction, or over-hunting.