Data Analysis
Data Analysis

An elephants log weight is 3.4. What is the actual weight, round to the nearest whole number?



The temperature of a room is measured at hourly intervals throughout the day. The most appropriate graph to show how the temperature changes from one hour to the next is:

A. boxplot

B. stem plot

C. histogram

D. time series plot

E. two-way frequency table

D. time series plot


If the annual interest rate is 4.8%, what is the monthly interest rate?



If there is no unique solution in 2 simultaneous equations. Why might this be?

The det = 0


A group of Year 12 students recorded the number of hours spent watching Netflix. The times were approximately normally distributed with a mean of 10.8 hrs and sx of 1.5 hrs. What is the percentage of students who watched between 9.3 hours and 13.8 hours of Netflix, answer to 1 decimal place.



The variables recovery time after exercise (in minutes) and fitness level (below average, average and above average)

A. both numerical respectively

B. both categorical respectively

C. Numerical and nominal respectively

D. Numerical and ordinal respectively

D. Numerical and ordinal respectively


What is a perpetuity?

An investment that will never diminish. IN = OUT


On a Friday morning, Matrix G shows that 18 cake, 12 cookies and 64 coffees were sold at a cafe. Matrix G is a 1x3 matrix. Matrix H shows the cost of each item sold on Friday morning. To find the total value of the sales at the cafe on Friday morning, what is the order of Matrix H?

H= 3 x 1

GH = 1 x 3 and 3 x 1 = 1x1 (total) 


On a Maths test, you achieved 65, the mean was 55 and the standard deviation was 5. What is your z score and how did you place in terms of your class?

+2 and top 2.5%


This is another name for the r value when looking at scatterplots.

Pearson's correlation coefficient


How many times is an account compounded if it is compounded every 3 months for 5 years?


Matrix A is a 3 x 2, if B x A = A. What is the order of Matrix B and what type of Matrix is Matrix B?

3 x 3 and identity matrix


If the coefficient of determination is 64.5%. The association between the two variables can be described as strong, positive, linear. What is the value of r, round to 2 decimal place?



The possible transformations used when trying to linearise data the represents the top right part of a circle.

 y squared or x squared


What type of recurrence relation is this?                  Vo= 300  Vn+1= .88Vn

Reducing balance depreciation

If you are given the matrices S0 and T, Sn+1= TS0. How do you try to find the values in the matrices in the long term?

T20 x S0  and T21 x S0 etc.. must be same values in subsequent matrices.


If there are 4 storms in December, 10 storms in January, 12 in February and 6 in March. What is the 3 moving mean for the February, round your answer to 2 decimal places?



What would be the most appropriate graph to show the association between the monthly median rainfall, in millimetres, and month of the year (January, February, March)?

Parallel boxplots


George invests $500 000 into a perpetuity that will compound monthly and provide a monthly income without using any of the initial investment. If the interest rate for the perpetuity is 6% per annum, what monthly payment will George receive?


Matrix M is a 5 x 2 Matrix and Matrix B is a 5 x 2 Matrix. Why is it not possible for (A+B)to be defined?
You can add the matrices as they are the same order but you cannot square a 5 x 2 Matrix. You can only square, square matrices. The number of rows and columns need to be equal.