What is "vais"
What is the infinitive of the verb that helps form the futur proche?
What is "aller"
How would you say "I am not going to danse?"
What is "Je ne vais pas danser."
What is "He is going to walk to the park."
What is "Il va marcher au parc?"
How would you say "She is not going to watch the movie?"
What is "Elle ne va pas regarder le film."
What is "She is going to watch tv."?
What is "Elle va regarder la television."
How would one say "We are not going to jump on the trampoline" in le futur proche?
What is "Nous n'allons pas sauter sur le trampoline."
What is "I am going to eat some chocolate."
What is "Je vais manger du chocolat."
Fill in the blank "Ils entrent dans une école de langues. Ils ___ étudier francais."
What is "vont"
How would one say "Mrs. Wright is not going to visit the class?"
What is "Mrs. Wright ne va pas visiter la classe."
What is "they (masc.) are going to listen to music"?
What is "Ils vont ecouter de la musique"?
What is the formula for the futur proche?
What is "Subject + form of aller + action verb".
How would you convert "They are not going to jump in the lake?"
What is "Ils/Elles ne vont pas sauter dans le lac."
What is "They (fem) are not going to eat the pizza."
What is "Elles ne vont pas manger de la pizza."