On Campus

What are some things you may be asked to do in a scholarship application?

Write an essay, create a video, submit a portfolio or sample of work, complete an interview ect. 


List one pro and one con of a small college or university. 

Student Response. 


What is an SAT/ACT test?

They are both standardized tests used for college admissions


List four Ivy League schools

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth


What is a FAFSA?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid 

The document you need to fill out to see if you qualify for federal financial aid for college or university. 


What is a major?

Your specialized area of study. 


What does it mean to be "test blind"?

Test blind is an admissions policy in which test scores are not factored into admissions decisions even if students submit scores.


List three majors. 

Student Response


What is a student loan grace period? How long is the student loan grace period?

A grace period is a period after you graduate where you are not required to pay your student loans. The grace period is typically six months. 


What are GenEd classes?

General Education (Gen Ed) classes are a set of courses that all undergraduates must take to fulfill General Education requirements. Usually they consist of a math, science, social studies, English or language requirement. 


What is the difference in content between the SAT and ACT?

The SAT has an optional essay writing portion, while the ACT has a science section. 


What is the difference between an employee and an independent contractor?

Student Response


What is the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans?

  • Subsidized loans are need-based, while unsubsidized loans are available to all students, regardless of need.
  • The government pays the interest on subsidized loans while the borrower is in school, on a grace period, or in a qualified deferment. In contrast, unsubsidized loan borrowers are responsible for all the interest on their loans, regardless of repayment status.

What does it mean to study abroad? 

To take a semester or full year in another country and study through their university programming. 


Where can you go to ask for a fee waiver for your SAT/ACT test?

Your guidance counselor


What is a career cluster?

A group of careers that require similar educational or hard/soft skills.