For which clients do we need a service plan on file?
All of them, even the kids!
How long is the R&P period?
90 days from arrival
How do you complete a Home Supply List?
Note the number of all of the supplies on the form present in the home, whether LFS supplied it or it was donated/already there!
When are we required to provide clients with information about how to contact their case worker and 911?
Upon arrival
Who funds the R&P program?
US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration --> Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Service (LIRS) --> LFS
What is the assurance form?
A written commitment that we will ensure the provision of the core services specified in the cooperative agreement for the refugee(s) case. We submit this information in IRIS and the finalized form must be in the case file.
Are we required to provide transportation to job interviews and job training during the R&P period?
What are we required to an R&P client on arrival?
Transportation to fully furnished living quarters, culturally appropriate ready to eat meal, seasonal clothing, emergency contact information, appropriate language interpretation.
What is the new minimum amount of R&P that we are required to spend per client?
Name 4 cultural orientation topics.
What is the Promissory Note?
When refugees are admitted to the United States for resettlement, their travel is arranged under a loan program by the International Organization for Migration. Refugees sign a promissory note stating that they will repay the interest-free loans to cover the cost of airline tickets over a predetermined period. A copy of this form must be included in the case file.
What are the requirements for "“Appropriate language interpretation/translation" (who can interpret, in what languages, and how long is this required)?
Interpretation/translation which allows for communication with the refugee in his/her native language, if possible, or in a common language in which the refugee is fluent.
Appropriate language interpretation/translation that promotes gender equality shall be provided by an individual who is not associated with the refugee (i.e., family member, U.S. tie). A U.S. Tie can interpret if necessary for airport pickup.
In-person interpretation is preferred, although telephonic interpretation may be used, if necessary.
Required throughout the R&P period.
How much food do we have to provide to a newly arrived case?
1. Culturally appropriate, ready-to-eat food available on arrival, plus one (1) day’s additional food supplies and staples (including baby food as needed).
2. Within one (1) day of arrival, food or food allowance at least equivalent to the prorated food stamp allocation for the family unit and continued food assistance until receipt of food stamps or until the individual or family is able to provide food for himself, herself, or themselves.
Do we have to do a Home Supply List for temporary housing?
Yes. If all furniture and household items cannot be provided for temporary housing, Home Supply Lists must clearly note the missing items, and then either on the form or in a case note explain the reason why the item was missing. Beds, bath towels, toiletries, and baby items must always be available to refugees at arrival.
What is the Quarterly Consultation (QCC)?
A quarterly meeting with the resettlement agencies and state and local government officials concerning the intended distribution of refugees before their placement in those localities.
Local participation should include, at minimum, representation from the following offices: state refugee coordinator; state refugee health coordinator; local governance (city and/or county, as applicable); and local and/or county public health, welfare and social services, public safety, and public education.
What is a Suitability Determination for minor cases, and when does it need to be completed?
An assessment (that must be reported directly to LIRS) of:
The suitability determination shall be conducted prior to submitting a sponsorship assurance for minors whose designated caregivers are already in the U.S. (codes M5, M6, M3) and within seven (7) days of arrival for minors who are traveling with relatives or other caretakers.
SIVs are able to travel to the US independently and walk in to our office to request services. What is the timeline for R&P services for a SIV walk-in, after LIRS has approved their R&P benefits?
Date of assurance should be considered as date of arrival for provision of core services. R&P funds must be distributed by 90th day from arrival.
Name 5 required supplies for a new home setup.
Who in a family can we expect to share the same bed?
Married couples or young children of the same gender. Clients can also express a preference for other family members to share a bed, but we cannot expect them to.
What are R&P flex funds, and how much flex funds do we receive per client?
$200 in additional R&P funds per client, which can be spent on ANY R&P case. At LFS Denver, we give more flex funds to smaller cases (single cases get $1550 in R&P), and larger cases don't receive flex funds (families 4 people or larger receive only the minimum $1075/person).
What is an R&P Period Report? When does it have to be completed?
A report to LIRS for each R&P case reporting:
R&P reports are due on the 15th of the month in the month following the R&P 90th day.
Name the correct due date/timeline for 5 of the following services:
Give 3 requirements for decent, safe, and sanitary housing.
What documentation do we need on file for compliance with social security applications, and within what timeline?
Application for, or tracking of, social security card(s) within seven (7) working days of after receiving the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) from USCIS. Delays in tracking the issuance of and/or applying for the social security card(s) due to the issuance of the EAD cards should be documented in the case file. Affiliates will be required to maintain the following within case files: Copies of the EAD receipt of application notification must be placed in the case file as proof of documentation.
Name two of the R&P performance outcomes.
1. Refugee is in a safe, stable environment.
2. Refugee can navigate appropriate and relevant systems
3. Refugee family is connected to means of ongoing support for self/family
4. Refugee understands surroundings and situation.