Materality threshold
What is $10,000?
Last day for approved eBuy requestions
When is Wednesday, September 21, 2022?
Day 2B
When is Friday, September 23, 2022?
It's the one website that has all the information you need:
What is Year-end close?
Works with PI/PM & division staff to identify potential accruals and ensures that the accrual meets Accrual Policy guidelines including documentation and materiality guidelines?
Who is the Preparer (RA)?
Last day and time to use PO project Change functionality
When is Wednesday, 9/22 until 11:30am?
Mandatory Saturday workday
When is Saturday, September 24, 2022?
Days/time of the daily check-ins
What are days 2A-2F at 9am?
Consolidates Templates B & C to Disbursements Accounting and uploads all supporting documentation to the Central Repository
Who is the POC for the Division/Area?
Name one project that has no carryover
What is LDRD, SPSA or indirect (ALD, Org, Recharges)?
Last day for resource / labor adjustments (with Budget Office approval)
When is Day 2F (Wednesday 9/28)?
Template used to accrue sensitive items
What is template B?
Template that the RA will process in FMS
What is Template A?
Last day and time to change project/activity status in FMS
When is Tuesday, September 20, 2022 4PM?
Last day for final submission of overhead budget changes to the Indirect Budget Office
When is Thursday, September 8, 2022?
Two POs that will be accrued by Disbursements Accounting
What are the Garnier and UCB Joint Appointee POs?
Name two circumstances where accruals below the $10K threshold may be appropriate
What are:
-SPP with expiring period of performance?
-Awards with limitations?
-Projects with cost ceiling within Contract 31?
-One time COO authorized budget over targets?
-Unicall projects
-Program/sponsor requires accrual?
The only DOE template you can submit for Year End Close
What is the Encumbrance template?
Final date for approval of FY22 Bridge funding requests
When is Wednesday, September 14, 2022?
Final issuance of FY22 award actions in eSRA
When is Friday, September 16, 2022?